SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
The eight limbs of Yoga

Yoga is one of the best means for achieving Self-realization. However, merely memorizing Yoga sutras (aphorisms on Yoga) serves no purpose. Just as bookish knowledge of cookery cannot appease hunger, merely reading books about ‘rechaka’ and ‘puraka’ and the manner of performing asanas cannot take the person towards Self-realization.

There are 8 limbs of yoga. It is necessary to obtain perfection in each of them step by step. One cannot jump to the last step without climbing the previous steps.

(The eight limbs of yoga are restraint (yama), observance of disciplines (niyama), seating posture (āsana), regulation of breath (prāṇāyāma), withdrawing the senses (pratyāhāra), single-focused concentration (dhāraṇa), meditation (dhyāna) and absolute perfected meditation (samādhi).

Yama means to restrain and keep under control the unsteadiness of the mind and body. It is self-regulation. Disciplines such as purity, contentment are known as Niyama. There are 5 Yama disciplines and 5 Niyama disciplines.)

After attaining perfection in the first two steps i.e. Yama and Niyama, the aspirant must proceed for perfection in asana. Only thereafter comes pranayama. With perfection in pranayama, the aspirant gets number of psychic powers and drinks in the nectar from Sahasrara (the thousand petalled lotus located at the top of the head). Then and only then he can be addressed as a Yogi.

A true yogi does not go around wearing a name board. When accosted he will not even confess that he is a yogi. A perfect Master prefers to remain unnoticed. He dwells in the realization of the Self. He has no more duty to perform in the world. His life has attained fulfilment. This is our heritage. Aim at trying to reach that stage before the body falls off.

(Bhaktimala March 1982)
