SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
How to subdue the enemies known as lust, anger and avarice?

The goal of the human life is to realize the inner Self. However, there are enemies within ourselves who not only obstruct the realization but also drag us down the path of ruin.

Trividham narakasyedham dvāram nāshanamātmanah

kāmaḥ krodaḥ tathā lobhaḥ tasmadetattrayam tyajet

In the above verse from Bhagavad Gita, Krishna mentions that lust, anger and avarice are the three gates to hell resulting in the damnation of the soul. One should therefore abandon these three.

A wealthy man living in a mansion puts up a board at the entrance- Beware of dogs. The dogs bark fiercely at anyone who is coming to see the master of the house and prevent them from entering in. When the terror-stricken visitors loudly call out to the master, he comes out. Seeing him, the dogs stop barking. They wag their tails and retreat. As the visitor comes more often, the dogs recognize him. Now, instead of barking, they wag their tails upon seeing him and easily allow him to enter the house without hindrance.

Same is the case with most of us. When we undertake spiritual practices, the internal enemies obstruct the progress. At such time, we need to call out to the Lord fervently. When we call him with sincerity and devotion, the dogs known as lust, anger and others calm down. They now retreat. With this we can enter in and have a vision of that indwelling Lord.

(Bhaktimala Sept 1982)
