SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
Simple bhajans of great saints impart Spiritual Knowledge while filling devotion

In the state of Maharashtra, the propagation of Datta Panth has been established long since. The good tradition is strengthened by several saints who composed and sang the praises of Datta in all the states and in all languages. Datta Panth is not a mere narrow cult. It shows the path to salvation to one and all considering them as the members of the Datta family.

The celestial singers like Nandi, Bhrungi, Narada, Tumbura etc. have incarnated as the musician devotees spreading the message of philosophy and devotion at all places like villages, towns and cities. Kanakadasa and Purandaradasa in Kannada, Muthuswamy Dikshitar in Sanskrit, Tyagaraja in Telugu, Meerabai in Vraja (old Hindi), Namadeva and Jnanadeva in Marathi etc.

The principles of the three paths to salvation are Karma, Bhakti and Jnana (the paths of action, devotion and knowledge) were propagated by these musician devotees. Further, many great souls have popularized these principles in prose, poetry, songs, music, dance, drama and folk arts.

Generally, lectures on philosophy are not attentively listened to by the commoner. Although the scholar’s speech is wonderful to hear, his words are logical and pleasing, the orator supports one principle with a number of arguments and many quotations from Vedas, Puranas scriptures and epics and the wording is very grammatical consisting of fine phrases, the layman cannot realise the message of the long lecture. At the end of the lecture, he simply expresses his feeling saying ‘How wonderful’ when in reality, not even a simple principle or saying has gone deep into his memory.

What is the reason? Such scholarly lectures are not easy to understand. They are tough and complicated. The attitude of the orator is not as ‘Let the people know’ but it is only to exhibit his erudition. In contrast, the many musician devotees like those mentioned earlier sang the praises of the Lord extempore. The songs were the outpourings of their devotion and the expressions of divine joy. They are in simple words. The listeners of such devotional music remember at least a few words like “Vithala”.

Shankara bhagavadpādācharya is famous for his excellent books on philosophy. They are still studied by the seekers of knowledge. Yet, in the end, his message was ‘Bhaja Govindam’, i.e. worship God, sing his praises.

The Acharya had composed several hymns like Lakshmi Narasimha Stotra, Soundarya Lahari and sets of 5 or 9 or 10 verses on the various deities. They are sung even nowadays musically. He imbedded the tenets of philosophy in his musical verses. He blended the paths of devotion and knowledge very finely in His compositions.

Similar were the methods of propagation of righteousness (dharma pracara) by Ramanujacharya and Madhvacharya, their main emphasis being devotion. While praising God, they also imparted Spiritual knowledge to the devotees through their compositions.

Swamiji’s compositions are of three types. Those are in folklore, in medium level and high level. Some of the songs have not been sung by Him in public so far. They are of a special type. However, in general, Swamiji’s songs comprise of simple and easily understandable words whether in Telugu, Kannada, Hindi or Sanskrit.

Only a hungry man can eat. If one is not hungry, what is the use of offering delicious food to him? Generally the hunger and thirst of a commoner are not for good food and drink. Generally the people’s taste is poor. A little of attention is enough to deserve Swamiji’s grace and improve one’s thirst for emancipation and hunger for knowledge.

If you make one step towards him, Swamiji makes 100 or even 1000 steps towards you. If you recede by a single step, Swamiji recedes by 100 or 1000 steps. It is up to you to make efforts to deserve His grace.

Datta Jayanti- 1998
