SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01 Jul 2019
Significance of homa

A major objection raised by a section of our society against fire rituals (homas) is that they involve criminal destruction of essential articles and that instead of serving any purpose they only create a scarcity of those articles. Superficially, these arguments seem to be well taken.

But, in reality, these fire rituals are being conducted from time immemorial. It is true that articles such as rice, ghee, coconut and cloth are offered into the homa fire. While doing so, mantras are chanted. These mantras specify what is to be offered and in what quantities. We do not offer per our choice- we mandatorily need to follow the guidelines given.

It is unfortunate that those who criticize the homa rituals have not understood the in-depth meaning of the Veda mantras and their significance. Each mantra has its own import and value.

Almost every day we read about ‘ecological imbalance’, ‘atmospheric pollution’ and ‘environmental pollution’ which are threatening human existence. Who has been creating these imbalances and pollutions? Certainly not the people who are engaged in performance of fire rituals, because their number is infinitesimal. An impartial scrutiny will compel us to accept that man, in his mad search for sense gratification, has been upsetting the basic balance and harmony in environment.

Secondly, the quantity of articles used for homas is so little that surely it cannot cause any material scarcity, given that only a handful perform homas these days.

An important factor being missed out by all those who argue against conduct of homa is the benefit that accrues due to them. Research has shown that the smoke coming from a homa pit (homa dhooma) has the ability to cleanse the surroundings destroying harmful microbes and bacteria in environment. It is also recognized that this smoke is beneficial to the health of those who participate and witness the homa. This is the secret behind the longevity and sound health of our fore-fathers.

(Bhaktimala June 1980)
