SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/16/2019
Listening to Veda recital is very valuable

It is not enough to learn only the Purushasuktam and then declare that the Vedas have been mastered. No doubt it is a good and appreciable effort, but one must realize that ‘Vedas’ include a lot more than that. To learn Vedas a dedicated and continuous effort of 10-12 years is needed. Some people carry this false belief that only ‘good for nothing’ people who are unfit for academic education go to learn the Vedas. This is not correct.

Veda Saraswati (Goddess of Knowledge, Mother of Vedas) blesses only those who have accumulated merit of many past births and a systematic vamsha sampradaya (tradition carried forward from one generation to another) to learn Veda. Only a few lucky people get a chance even to be able to listen and appreciate the Vedas. Then imagine what luck would be needed to learn the Vedas! You should learn to listen and enjoy a Veda recital.

Mastering the Vedas is a penance. Listening to Veda recital is also a penance. Assisting in the propagation of Vedas is yet another penance.

All Datta devotees should teach some spiritual knowledge to their children. Besides giving modern education to children it is essential to teach them spiritual knowledge. They should be taught the importance of Sadguru darshan right from childhood. When spiritual knowledge is not imparted in childhood, children turn into adults who do not understand about true selfless love, compassion for all forms of life, leading a life filled with righteous conduct etc.

Even those animals, birds and insects that happen to hear a Veda recital, undergo many changes in their subsequent births. This is because Veda is the language of the Gods. Vedas are those drops of nectar that explain about the Supreme Essence, of the illusion that has enveloped the creation and more importantly about the methods that one could adopt to merge back into the Almighty.

A Veda recital by a person who has mastered the Vedas through the proper procedure and who has a pure mind has the unique ability to wash away the sins of the listeners and bestow auspiciousness. Let us recollect an interesting story.

Yayati was a renowned emperor in the past. He had performed many great yagas. Such was his greatness that he could reach heaven in his physical body. This reflects the state of yoga achieved by him. At this level, one should be extremely wary of ahankara (ego). Should it attack even in the mildest form, it can drain away the entire merit of the person.

The Devatas decided to test Yayati. This is actually a boon because the main aim of the tests is to strengthen the students’ grip over yoga and to take him to better heights. It strengthens a person’s resolve. Once Devendra invited Yayati, seated him on his throne and duly honoured him. Thereafter he engaged him in a conversation and in between said, “Can you name any person who has performed greater tapas (penance) than yourself?”

Yayati who was by now completely flattered with all this respect shown to him replied proudly, “In heaven there is none who can match me.” Thus in one minute, with this display of pride Yayati was drained of all his accumulated merit. The next moment Indra kicked him out of heaven. Yayati began falling to earth in a head down-legs up position.

As he was nearing earth he could see a great yagna taking place. At that time there was a difference of opinion about certain Dharma sutras (manuals on dharma containing rules of conduct and rites) between the pundits conducting the yagna. Unable to come to a proper decision, they were all agitated. When they were in this state, one of the young boys there suddenly noticed Yayati falling down and posed the question about the dharma to him.

Yayati resolved their problems instantly.

That boy was so impressed with Yayati that he said, “Please take my punya (merits of good deeds) and go back to heaven.” However, Yayati replied, “I will not go to heaven on the strength of some other person’s merit. Due to my ego about my knowledge and penance performed I have insulted the Devatas. Hence I will undergo my punishment.”

As Yayati was falling further, many other learned scholars offered to transfer their merit to him. But he consistently refused.

When Yayati was just about to touch the earth, he realized that his daughter and son-in-law were conducting the yagna. On seeing him, his daughter said, “Father! Elders have the right to take the merit of their children. Hence please take my husband’s, children’s and my merit and return back to heaven.” When she pleaded like this, Yayati relented and went back to heaven. But he was back in an instant and instead engaged himself in conducting yagnas and yaagas.

When questioned, he replied, “I have realized that the Veda mantras recited during yagnas and yagas benefit not only the listener but also have the capacity to take all his forefathers to heaven. Hence I wish to conduct yagnas and yaaga.”

The theory that music can cure diseases is gaining popularity. Scientists have recently proven that the Veda mantras too have the capacity to cure diseases. There is a very close relation between Veda and nada (music).

Learning and listening to Veda is a penance. The more you learn to accept and appreciate it, the more beneficial it will be to you. Jaya Guru Datta

Bhaktimala June ‘97 & Nov ‘98
