SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Sadguru increases our inclination towards dharmic activities


Meaning of the verse: With the deep desire that His devotees should reach the ultimate state and with the anger that He should shred into smithereens their distresses, Guru Datta is deeply immersed in this mundane existence (samsāra) pertaining to all the three worlds. He is the only samsāri with such vast responsibility! Yet, at the same time, He remains untouched by it. I glorify such Datta Guru.

Sadguru only seeks implicit faith from the devotee. He graces those who have accepted Him as their Spiritual Master and who have placed implicit faith upon Him by ensuring perfect accomplishment of their tasks. He showers them with expertise in their chosen field.

Unmindful of all the difficulties He faces, undergoing enormous sufferings and while withstanding insults heaped upon Him, like a whirlwind Sadguru travels all across the globe uplifting people. He does this solely seeking the well-being of the universe. He makes sure the devotee accomplishes his desired goals and causes him/her to reign in that field. Sadguru thus showers multitudes of boons upon His devotees. This is the supreme help that Sadguru offers to this world.

Many reasons could be attributed for the mental tensions and agitations experienced by people, irrespective of whether they are leading a material or spiritual life. They are faced with many ups and downs. Unable to distinguish truth from untruth there are many who get trapped into endless difficulties and undergo resultant suffering. Guru is the only solace to such people. If they seek shelter under a Sadguru, they can surely overcome their miseries.

Guru is a Pratyaksha-daivam (visible manifestation of God). Making himself visible to the eyes, at first he dispels the inner fears of the devotee. Through courteous words he instils courage in the person. By causing new positive enthusiasm to sprout in the devotees, He causes them to develop maturity in their field thereby turning them into resources useful to the society. For this reason it is imperative that the holy association with Sadguru should never be discarded.

Sadguru ensures that our mind remains pure and that our inclination towards dharmic subjects and dharmic activities intensifies. As such, every human being is indeed in need of Sadguru’s help and grace.

The person upon whom Guru’s grace falls is blessed with single pointed concentration (ekagrata). His mind will, without any deviations remain focussed upon the goal and he will be able to complete the task on hand with absolute dedication and without any distractions. Worldly desires can no longer torment him/her.

Sadguru causes feelings of universal brotherhood to surge in devotees making them eligible for attaining Godliness. He intensifies in them the dedication to work towards their goal. At every step He teaches them ways to conquer desires and egoism. He helps them convert unfavourable conditions into favourable ones. He showers them with success and constantly strives for their well-being.

When they are overwhelmed with dejection, when ability to make positive decisions weakens and when they lose faith in their devotion, Sadguru lends a helping hand and pulls them up. Re-instilling their faith in their ability to accomplish their task, He takes them forward. By increasing qualities such as enthusiasm, courage, boldness, intelligence, energy and prowess in the devotees, He renders them eligible to earn God’s grace.

Ravana was the great grandson of Lord Brahma. Despite his limitless knowledge he failed to heed any good advice. Due to his foolishness, he was totally destroyed along with his friends, acquaintances, kith and kin. Dhŗtarāshtra too pretended to obey everyone. Even after receiving meaningful advice from sages such as Nārada and Sanat-kumara, he became the cause for the destruction of his entire lineage purely due to his lack of faith and obedience in the words of his Gurus.

Egoism will be rooted out in those who diligently obey the commands of their Sadguru. Wisdom ripens in them. Feelings of equanimity and equipoise arise in them. Having turned broad-minded, they now begin to respect fellow human beings. They hold on to that path which paves the way towards liberation from these worldly bondages.

Jnānam vina muktipadam labhyate guru bhaktitah- Even where knowledge is lacking, the person who has implicit devotion towards his Guru obtains knowledge and attains liberation.

For this reason, to the person who has obtained initiation from the Sadguru and who treads on the path directed by Him, there is no sadhana greater than Guru-bhakti. This is stated in Guru Geeta.

As such, the person who has obtained Guru’s grace will readily accept any mishaps that occur during his journey of life. With calmness he accepts the transformations visible in the society due to the changing times.

On this Guru Purnima, remember your worldly teachers who were responsible for your prosperity and your spiritual Guru. Worship them and acquire blessedness. With the blessings of Adi-guru Datta may all your problems be destroyed and may your desires be fulfilled. This is my blessing to you.

Guru Purnima message on ETV 27 July 2018
