SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 18 Jun 2019
Learn to utilize Swamiji in the right way

There is no use in simply listening to Swamiji’s speeches. You need to follow the advice given.

Many a time Swamiji has noticed people who are overly fond of reading books- spiritual books, books on yoga and so on. Select and read only those books that will assist you in the path you have chosen and those that are relevant to you. Don’t read everything and get confused.

Once you select your Spiritual Guru, continue on your path, your faith and your dharma to reach your end goal.

Swamiji is merely a guide in this journey of yours. He is not going to ask you to change your religion. All religions are the same. He is not going to extensively preach about Upanishads nor is He going to order you to perform Hata yoga. If at all you show some interest in the path He follows, He will help you. If someone does not show any inclination in His path, He will not be offended. He has no worries.

This friendship with Swamiji is a spiritual friendship. In the beginning just wait and experience Swamiji. Only after you have had a certain association and experience with Swamiji, begin to follow him. Only then you will benefit from this friendship. Don’t follow Swamiji merely because some friend or some relative of yours is following him. Follow him only after you have had your own experience. You should have the faith that He can show you the real path, that He is a good Guru and that His path is the correct one. Once this faith is developed, then do not change the Guru.

Make the Guru selection from your heart. The Guru possess certain qualities or traits that you highly appreciate or those that are particularly treasured by you. Concentrate only on such qualities. Learn to see only good at all times.

Once a person wanted a fruit that was faultless and exceptionally beautiful. He went searching for such fruit in every shop in his village. Every fruit that he checked had at least one defect. When he failed to get such a fruit in his village, he proceeded to the adjoining villages in search of the fruit. Luck seemed to evade him. When at last he was about to give up, a trader approached him with a fruit that was shining beautifully. It did not have any defects. Totally pleased, the person paid a steep price for the fruit to the trader and sat down enjoying its beauty.

As he was examining the fruit, to his horror he noticed that it was slightly rotten. Impulsively he wanted to throw away the fruit or gift it away to anyone. But then the heavy price that he had paid for it stopped him from doing either. He reflected on this for a while and then decided to discard that part that was rotten and to eat the rest. He realized that just by throwing away that small part that was bad, the entire remaining fruit could be rendered useful. Similarly pick the good you see in the world and focus on them.

Pick the things you have learnt or received from Swamiji and store them safely. While adopting them, continue on your journey of life.

Bhaktimala Nov 1980, Nov 1982, Jan 1988
