SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Importance of a Spiritual Master in life

“O Gurudeva! I offer obeisance to You, who, through the medium of Self-knowledge, reduce to ashes the heaps of my past as well as future karmas. There is no essence greater than Guru! There is no penance superior to Him! There is no principle greater than Guru principle! To such Guru, I offer obeisance.” This should be the prayer offered to Sadguru on Guru Purnima.

Maharishi Vyasa, Sri Shankara-bhagavadpāda, Śri Datta, Dakshinamurty and Sri Krishna - all of whom propagated the Guru tradition, must be worshipped on this day.

This human birth has been awarded based on our innumerable meritorious deeds of past many births. For having obtained this rare human birth we must listen to Sadguru’s advice and walk on the righteous path directed by Him while exercising caution in matters pertaining to food, sleep and enjoyments. Under His guidance we must render our life fruitful.

By disregarding self-conceitedness and superiority- inferiority complex, we earn His grace, which in turn, helps us evolve into divinity. Anxieties and upheavals reduce significantly in the person who associates with a Spiritual Master. The ability to conquer mental weaknesses strengthens in him.

An enlightened Spiritual Master lights the lamp of knowledge in the disciple due to which the disciple is able to wisely differentiate between objects permanent and impermanent in this creation. Such a teacher causes a spurt in virtues such as goodness, purity, truthfulness and selflessness in the disciple. He furthers qualities such as dedication, absolute concentration (ekagrata), freedom from desires and destruction of ego, due to which the disciple is successful both in worldly as well as spiritual fields.

“Happiness lies within me. It is not externally available”- association with such enlightened Master, causes this realization to dawn in the disciple. With this, he is able to distance from sorrows and confusions.

Such a Master shows to his disciple his realistic position in this vast, infinite creation, in terms of knowledge, power, opulence and intelligence. Through this, He destroys the feelings of arrogance and causes humility to sprout in the disciple. Through His discourses, actions, way of life and words, He drives away demonic tendencies in the disciple replacing them with noble virtues.

What is it then, that we should do in order to win the love and grace of such an enlightened Master?

  1. Never hurt feelings of others or seek that they should be harmed. Never conspire for political gains. Whole-heartedly appreciate when others progress.

  2. Respect the elders. Value people based on their worthiness.

  3. At all times seek to be associated with Sadguru. Listen attentively to His discourses.

Read other devotees’ experiences. Be regular in reading Bhaktimala. These will ensure your devotion remains steady.

  1. Understand that no one is superior or inferior in Sadguru’s eyes.

  2. Discard feelings of envy and hatred. Entertain only good, positive thoughts. Always engage in good deeds.

  3. Find the activities loved by Sadguru and engage in Guru seva. Intensify your inclination towards offering Seva. Read Guru charitra.

If these disciplines are duly followed, your Sadguru will reside in your heart. He will protect you and your family members.

Therefore, without wasting time, learn to involve in pujas, reading of holy books, practice of Kriya-yoga and such other activities with total dedication. Chant Guru-given mantra.

Participate in the social and spiritual activities conducted in your nearby ashram branches.

Be vigilant of your children’s behaviour. Teach them good disciplines and values even before they reach the stage wherein they are influenced by social media. Be vigilant of the type of friends your children keep. Watch their behaviour when they are with friends and other associates.

Fill your home with positive vibrations. Read to children stories of great saints. Teach them the significance of charity and of abiding by righteousness (dharma). Teach them right disciplines and ethics.

With the grace of Maharishi Vyasa and Adiguru Datta, may good, positive thoughts rule your mind! May your devotion intensify significantly!

- ETV July 2017 Guru Purnima
