SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 18 Jun 2019
How do I find my spiritual Guru?

We have discussed that the Sadguru is a Spiritual Master who cleanses our mind from all its impurities and, along with it, puts us on the path towards reaching the Supreme. He is a friend and a guide who helps us withstand the enormous troubles that land on our head and shows us way to handle them.

If so, how are we to serve such a master? What are the attributes of such Guru? How are we to recognize him? The text ‘Guru Gita’ deals with all these subjects. (In response to the queries put forth by Mother Parvati, Lord Shiva preached to her the Guru Gita). It is impossible to secure Guru’s blessings unless one is alert every second. The Supreme Lord has explained to the Divine Mother in Guru Gita about all conscious efforts that one should undertake to secure Guru’s blessings.

Searching for a worthy Guru is the first step in our spiritual journey. The truth is that a person cannot select his/her own Guru. This is because there is no basis on which he can ever find out whether the person seated before him is a true Jnani (knowledgeable) or not.

Once a first grader had a doubt as to whether his teacher knew the 100th table or not. He questioned the teacher. The teacher replied positively and to prove it he also recited the 100th table. The student was still doubtful. He was unsure as to whether the table recited by his master was correct or not. He sought the opinion of the elders nearby who confirmed that the recitation was indeed correct. The boy was still at a loss. How was he to determine whether these elders themselves knew the table or were simply supporting the master? How does he ensure that he is not cheated? How is he to assess the worthiness of his teacher?

Due to his limited knowledge, even if many more people were to certify the worthiness of his teacher, he would not be convinced. However due to the confidence exerted by the teacher while reciting the table, the statements issued by the elders nearby and due to the love shown by the teacher, the student is slowly attracted towards him. He slowly begins to respect and love his mater and begins to trust him. He begins to study obediently under his guidance. Years later, when he has mastered the subject, he realizes that not only does his teacher know up to the 100th table, but in fact he is a master in the entire arena of mathematics. He also realizes that the 100th table, which in his opinion as a child was the highest step in mathematics, is actually an insignificant drop in the ocean of this subject.

Just like this, in the spiritual field it is impossible for an average person to recognize a worthy Guru purely with his/her own efforts. Just like that little boy, they will decide upon a Guru after seeing a few miracles from the Guru and by hearing the advise of those people who are higher than them in the level of sadhana.

There is one word of caution here. People in their search for a Guru get carried away by the miracles shown, the external grandeur exhibited, the methods of propaganda, the eloquent speeches, widespread publicity and so on. Due to this, they stumble and fall.

What then is the true proof, the true miracle to identify the Guru? Before answering this question, the first and the foremost step is to decide on the purpose for which you are actually seeking a Guru. This was discussed at the beginning of this speech. We have said that we were looking for a Guru to show us that ultimate divine light that knows no shadow and to achieve those foundational desires.

With this desire, one should keep visiting holy saints and holy people (sat purushas).

At one such place, without any apparent reason, the mind will experience calmness, some indescribable peace. That calmness and peace will be such that one forgets all the turmoil, the ups and downs of life while in that place. The confidence that all such problems will be solved, will emerge. More importantly, an unexplainable love and a thought that ‘He is mine’ will envelop you. You can be assured that you have reached your Guru’s place.

Thus in one way, it is your Sadguru who has reached out to you. He knows that with your limited knowledge, you are incapable of recognizing Him.

Now because it is sure that He can find us, can we simply sit in a laidback manner without putting in our efforts in search of a Guru? Never! This is because the compassionate Adi Guru takes on many forms for the sake of his innumerable devotees. Not all of those forms are suited to you. Although He is close by, He will not make Himself known to you unless and until you are really worthy of it.

There should exist a burning desire to get a Guru. This burning desire is your tapana. This reflects your worthiness.

If you still seek to know whether you can remain calm and wait for your Guru’s arrival into your life once you have achieved the burning desire and the worthiness, then my answer is simple. At this stage, even if you are asked to be calm, you cannot remain so. You will be constantly searching for a Guru. You will be anxiously looking out for a master who can guide you through life and take you to your spiritual destination. This search is your duty. As you go ahead with your duty, one day your Guru will appear before you.

Bhaktimala June 1987
