SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 18 Jun 2019
Devotee’s Patience and Guru’s dexterity

We are all descendants of the sapta rishis (seven great sages). Brahma first created Maharishis Sanaka Sanandana and others. Totally engrossed in contemplating about the Supreme Essence, these 4 great saints did not show any interest towards expanding the creation. Therefore Brahma created many other sages and entrusted them with the task of enhancing the population in the creation. This entire process of expansion of creation is detailed in the Srimad Bhagavatam. These Maharishis begot children and from them the creation perpetually continues.

To bless the children and lineage of these Maharishis who were enveloped with illusion, He then created a Guru. Datta is that Guru! He is the primordial Guru. The Guru lineage traces back to Him.

Why did Datta have to incarnate in a form? Could he not complete the job without taking a form?

The clothing we wear at office is strikingly different from casual dress we wear at home. Even in a tiny house we maintain a separate place for eating, bathing, cooking etc. Even while eating, we don’t mix all the items and gobble. We enjoy their taste separately. Why do we do such things? It is for a similar reason that God also takes on different forms at different times and at different place. Through these forms He seeks to bless different people. What are the main reasons behind any incarnation? This no doubt is an extremely difficult question. But let us try to understand.

All of you are embodied beings (jeevi) You are the miniscule particles in this vast universe. You can be compared to the miniscule particles that are generated when precious stones or even plain rocks are broken. Though of a different background, all of you are stuck together in a wax mould such that it is now impossible to identify which particle belongs to which stone.

It is from this level that God desires to raise you! He wants to help you erase all the impressions of your past actions across the various births i.e. the samskaras and then liberate you from these earthly bondages. He wants to purify you such that you can go back to being jewels around His neck. This is what He seeks! However, to do this, first of all He needs to separate the particles from the wax mould.

This job requires extreme skill and dexterity. While separating a particle from the wax, care should be taken to ensure that the particle is not broken, the wax is undisturbed and that not even a tiny portion of the wax sticks to the particle. Due to the extreme dexterity necessary for this task, Datta, who alone possessed the required skills for it, took it. He became the Guru for the particles i.e. the embodied beings.

He now took on the task of reforming these embodied beings. Towards this, mere dexterity on part of the Guru is inadequate. To accomplish this, the embodied being has to display the required ‘patience’. Hence, it can be said that only a combination of the two can take the student towards liberation!

Why did the particle stick to the wax in the first place? At some point of time, the free particle fell into a trap called ‘attraction’ and in this state it made some sankalpas (intentions). This resulted in it getting entangled into this wax.

What happens in case the disciple has no patience? Then, in the event of the Guru trying to reform him, he (disciple) will get spoilt and will also contaminate the environment.

Now there is an important pre-requisite. The Guru who handles this must necessarily be an expert. Just as we give gold only to an efficient goldsmith to make jewels, we too should for our spiritual growth take shelter in an efficient Guru. If the Guru is inefficient, then in the process of reforming the student he could fail and he could become another particle and get enveloped in wax. Then the student has to start all over again which will only delay the process of attainment of liberation.

That is why it is said that a combination of Guru’s dexterity and disciple’s skill will work wonders.

What is meant by patience and co-operation of the student? It means he should constantly put in efforts to reform. He should aspire to become pure like the Guru. It is not possible to be 100% pure, but he should try to be 99% pure. If today you are like a 14 or 18 carat gold, then you should try to upgrade yourself to be like a 23 carat gold. 1-2% impurities are acceptable. In fact they are needed. Just as without a slight mix of copper, jewels cannot be made, without this little bit impurity it is difficult to reform a person. Sometimes if needed a Guru himself mixes this copper so that he can make beautiful jewels.

Datta Swami is a Guru not only for humans, but also for the Gods and demons. First he destroys the tamo guna (inactivity, dullness) in the person, then attacks the rajo guna (passion/ activity). When they are eliminated, only good traits remain in the person.

It is important that all of you should be ‘willing’ to get rid of your dirt, try to become pure and understand the tattva (essence). Do Sat karmas (good deeds). Be patient, co-operative and willing to reform. Seek shelter under a Self-realized master.

-Bhaktimala Jan 98
