SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/16/2019
Hinduism &Christianity preach the same essence

Christmas that special day on which Jesus was born to remove difficulties of the people, to destroy wickedness, to accept the sins of the wicked and to bless the world with auspiciousness. When we go through his life story, we notice that so many different commentaries have been written about it. I have thoroughly and completely read both the New Testament as well as the Old Testament.

Although there are many interpretations and opinions, for the final judgment we always approach our inner conscience. We analyze and deeply ponder about the ultimate truth. Our religion Hinduism preaches the same as Christ did.

How does Hinduism define the Supreme Lord? Our Upanishads describe Him as Akasha Murti i.e. He is all pervading. He is addressed as Nirguna i.e. He is devoid of all traits. He is beyond them.

That formless God manifest in innumerable forms, can’t he? One of His forms was Jesus. Another form that He took on to rescue the people who were struck in this web of repeated births and deaths was Datta. In addition to these two forms, He took on many other incarnations to help the living entities on earth. To understand the inner meaning of this statement, one needs to seriously contemplate on this issue and delve into the secrets. For the sake of position and power some people proclaimed that had a separate God. Such differences were created about 500 years ago.

Swami Sripada Vallabha (one of the incarnations of Datta) who lived more than 500 years ago, used to place one forefinger on the other to form a + (cross). He would state that this symbol depicts the ultimate truth. This is also the symbol of Christ! ‘I’ means me. It indicates separates and individuality. It is ego. The number 1 also means the same. Cutting that 1 or I implies cutting your ego. This is symbolized by the cross +.

This explanation exists in our Upanishads. This is what Christ preached. What is ‘I’? Ego. ‘I, Me, I did this job, my religion, my beliefs and so on’ – this reflects satanic attitude. Such ‘I’ needs to be destroyed.

When feelings of ‘I and mine’ are eliminated from the person, then the pure essence is absorbed by him. The real truth is understood by him. This was Jesus’s philosophy.

It is written in his life history. In reality, neither did He take birth nor did He die. It is for our understanding that the elders say that He was born as a son of God. From one subtle principle another subtle principle originated. Here the father and the son are the same!

If we break a piece of sugar candy into 2 unequal parts, will the sweetness differ between the bigger and smaller pieces? That is why one who originates from that Supreme Lord has to be that Lord himself. How did that Lord descend to earth? He took a human form to arrive here.

A close analysis between Bible and Bhagavad Gita, throws up many similarities. Professor Rama Chandra researched it and published a book on it. It was published in USA.

What we should understand from this is that we should never look down upon anything. We should never reject anything either. We should pick what we like from each of the philosophies that we come across including our own religion. When we balance our life this way it will be great.

Only when we eat the vegetables grown in different gardens we will get the balanced nutrition. What can be grown in that land cannot be grown here and vice versa. If we reject the vegetables grown in different lands, how can we get all the nutrition and vitamins?

What did Krishna preach? Live in peace and harmony. Be always happy and content. Do not harm others. Adhere to your religious principles that have been passed down by your elders (swadharma). This is what Jesus too preached. In this Kali yuga, Jesus took the trouble of taking on a human body only to wash away the sins of the devotees.

The same Lord manifests in different incarnations in accordance to the needs of the different religions, countries, customs, regions and practices. Therefore it is wrong to say that one God is greater than another. It is foolish. People who say so are Satans. A real ascetic will say your God is also great, my God is also great. Of course, customs and practices of any two religions will naturally be different. But isn’t it true that in the same house there can be 2 sons with different tastes and different natures? One may like philosophy while other may appreciate geology.

Abandoning the focus on difference, one must go deep down to see the commonalities. At the same time, one must not dominate and claim supremacy over the other. Remember that all are equal. Despite all difference, the two brothers originated from the same parents. Likewise, all of us too emerge from the same Supreme Lord.

All religions preach that when wickedness is on the rise and wicked people are increasing, then God descends down to destroy them. Disregarding the hidden purport behind this statement, for their selfish goals people adopt certain rules promote them.

It is imperative to develop broad-mindedness. Only then there can be true peace. Peace cannot be got through mere lectures. We should practice what we preach. Before we preach about charity, we should practice it. Before preaching truthfulness, one should practice it.

Here in our ashram Christians and Muslims come in large numbers. People of all religions are welcome here. I have only one thing to tell them. If you are born in a Christian family, then be a good Christian. If you are a Muslim, then be a good Muslim. If there is anything that you appreciate in another religion, then adopt it. There is no harm in it. But don’t jump from one religion to another. Just follow the religion that was willed by God for you at the time of your birth. If you try to absorb the essence of your religion, it is sufficient. You will realize that it is a very deep subject. Every religion is has the same hidden essence. Therefore stick to your religion.

I have visited many churches in various countries. I have been to Vatican City and to Rome. I have met the Pope. For me all are equal. Often I conduct homas in churches abroad. I have many Christian friends across the world. Why can’t the omnipresent and every powerful Jesus incarnate as our Datta? Why can’t our omnipresent and ever powerful Datta incarnate as Jesus? I believe in religious unity. Jaya Guru Datta. Jai Jesus.

Bhaktimala Jan 2001
