SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
You are plants in my garden

This ashram is a rose garden. I am the gardener. All of you are the rose plants. The good traits such as devotion (bhakti), dedication (shraddha) etc. are the roses. The faults, bad habits etc. that exist due to the purva janma samskaras (subtle tendencies arising due to the actions of the past births), as well as due to the present surroundings are the thorns on the plants.

Removing the existing thorns from the older plants and ensuring that the newer plants grow without any thorns on them is itself my job. Using strange methods and unique techniques, I ensure that the thorns drop down naturally from the older plants and that the new ones grow without thorns. The growth of a plant depends on the efficacy of the gardener. I am a good gardener. Hence all of you should also turn into good plants.

If you show the approval and willingness (bhakti) to be planted in my garden, you will be selected for planting. Participating in pujas and other meritorious activities will help you to establish firmly in the garden with roots. Naama sankeertana is the water that I supply to the plants. The divine messages (jnana) are the high-yielding manure that is used.

Yoga is the air (vayu) inhaled by my plants. Blossoming with many flowers itself reflects mukti (liberation). Plants in my garden are rewarded with the cultivation of heavenly divine traits such as humility & gentleness, i.e. they yield good flowers and fruits.

Bhaktimala Sept 1983
