SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
What is it that we are searching for in life?

All of us are searching for something. We do not know what we are searching. Till we obtain it we have no peace of mind. We think that we are searching for wealth, power, fame progeny, long life, health or all of them. In truth, we are searching for harmony in our life.

Today, harmony appears to be missing in our life. that we why we try to squeeze out harmony from wealth, power fame etc. We think that wealth will bring harmony into our lives.

The reason for the lack of harmony is the utter disregard for the source of all harmony i.e. God. We are alive only because there is a spark of divinity in us. By realizing that divinity, we can bring harmony and balance into our lives.

Our life is a concert capable of producing melodious music. All we have to do is keep the organs trim and tuned. The who created this world is a master musician. He is ever playing soulful enchanting music. We have to train ourselves to listen to this melodious music. This is the secret behind establishing harmony in our life.

(Bhaktimala Oct 1982)
