SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/16/2019
Use good association to elevate yourselves

It is very important to have virtuous and worthy friends. Good associations (sat sangatya) have the ability to wash away the bad traits or qualities and make way for good thoughts.

The tendencies from our past births are not in our control. To overcome our desires, rigorous sadhana is required. The combination of tendencies from our past births- desires- associations we keep reflect our character and lifestyle. Taking the help of sat sangatya (good associations), we should at first make attempts to overcome desires. Then, with the help of our sadguru, we can overcome and destroy the evil, negative tendencies that are chasing us from our past births.

This present birth is a great opportunity to complete or bring to an end all the karmas done in the previous births. Just as a thorn can be removed only with the aid of another thorn, past action can be set off only by new rightful action.

Lord Srikrishna has declared that through selfless action (karma yoga) it is possible to obtain liberation. Bhagavatam and Ramayana are like our two eyes. All the other Puranas and Upanishads are like the main Ida and Pingala nadis (subtle nerves). With their aid, we should use this body to do spiritual practices. Your aim should be to achieve permanent liberation.

Satsang and bhajans are the best methods to get rid of bad habits. Singing bhajans, chanting Vishnu and Lalita Sahasranama give tremendous energy to the nadis (subtle nerves). The positive vibrations generated through them travel through the world causing its well-being.

The ordinary person who is deeply entangled in this cycle of repeated re-births should use Nama sankeertana and sadhu sangatya (association of pious/ spiritual people) as the 2 wings to soar high up. With their help, he can become a Paramahamsa (supreme sage). He can even reach a stage wherein he is untouched and unaffected by his past tendencies.

Purity of mind is the fundamental requirement for this sadhana. To purify the mind, Guru seva is essential. There is no need to specifically seek Guru’s blessings. Does anyone have to pray to the Sun to bless him with his light? Can the Sun show a preference towards any particular place? Similarly in Guru’s eyes all are equal. But based on the disciple’s past tendencies and based on the attitude he shows towards selfless service, Guru’s blessings will fall on him.

The disciple’s attitude should be such that ‘whether it is talking or it is arguing, it is only with the Guru’. Learn to increase your association with your Guru. Do not be jealous of people who are very close to him. Instead try to analyze what were those traits that could draw them so close to the Guru?

Offer namaskara to Guru with complete bhakti and surrender. Do not approach him for the fulfillment of your desires.

At times of victory, fortunes and happiness, the person takes all the credit. But at the time of losses and sorrows he blames God for all his troubles. This is a grave mistake. This attitude causes the person to acquire new sins.

Our sorrows, losses, misfortunes or ill health should not be an obstacle for chanting the Lord’s names. Nama smarana needs no fixed time or rules. It can be done anytime and anywhere. A pure mind is its only requirement. This applies both to men and to ladies. Jaya Guru Datta.

Bhaktimala Dec ‘99
