SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Symbolism behind breaking the coconut

The main objective of the Gnana bodha sabha is to help the earnest speaker in his pursuit of absolute happiness. Such happiness cannot be obtained as long as the person is in the grip of ego (ahamkara), believes himself to be the doer of all action and enjoyer of the fruits of those actions.

Eradication of the ego is a very difficult and tiring task. It is like trying to eat the coconut kernel without removing the outer covering of the coconut. To obtain the coconut kernel, first the outer hard shell needs to be removed. This process of peeling the coconut coir tests one’s patience. After the coir is removed with tedious efforts, the person faces another hurdle. This is the inner shell of the coconut. This shell cannot be peeled. It cannot be removed by any means barring breaking.

Once the shell is broken the person is rewarded not only with kernel but also the tasty nectarous water.

Similarly, the task of liquidating the ego is a tiring one. It has to be broken to prevent it from re-emergence in any form. Then alone the seeker is blessed with the essence of life and experience of immortal bliss. He will then see himself in everyone and everyone in him.

May with the blessings of Lord Datta, all of you break the ego and enjoy the resultant bliss.

9th Gnana bodha sabha meeting May 1982

(Bhaktimala June 1982)
