SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
Rules for celebrating festivals; significance of Puja

On any festival, it is mandatory to contemplate about that deity’s speciality. The tattva (essence) and inner meaning of the various rituals should be analyzed. The symbolism contained in that deity must be grasped. What is the hidden message being conveyed through that festival must be focussed upon.

It is incorrect to focus only upon food and its preparation. But, these days, the focus has shifted to food- be it a festival or a death ceremony. It is really very sad. Presently, in many families, festival discussion revolves only around food preparations of that day and no one is keen to understand the real inner meaning of that puja.

Death ceremonies are conducted through internet or with the help of tape recorders. The karta (the person who is to perform the death ceremony) is no longer inclined to conduct this ceremony personally as dictated by the shastras. Even on such an important day he chooses to go to the office and spend the day there. He sends the dakshina (the remuneration to the priest conducting the ceremony) and perhaps even the food by post. Dedication is lacking. In reality, death ceremony is a ceremony that should be done with ‘shraddha’ (concentration).

Follow a Sadguru and surrender to him. Read the Ramayana, Mahabharata and other Granthas with faith. Slowly all these meanings will become clear. There is no doubt in it.

Our puja procedure is extremely scientific. The puja should be done only with love and faith. While doing puja, talk to God. You will slowly understand everything. You will understand yourself. You will obtain Self-realization. Meanings will unfold by themselves. You will begin to hear the inner nada (sound). The reason behind this birth will be clear. You will be blessed with bliss. Give up your laziness and begin your spiritual practices setting aside all doubts or suspicions.

It is a waste to wait for proofs. It is the nature of science to keep insisting on proofs but this science has still a long way to go before such secrets of creation are found. The real truth, the real Ananda (bliss) cannot be found so easily. It cannot be discovered through science. You have to trust your heart, feelings and then embark on this journey. It is ok even if the progress is slow. Everything in life is pre-destined by God. It is God’s drama.

The word ‘puja’ consists of 2 alphabets. ‘Pu’ means punah (once again); ‘Ja’ means Janma rahityam (no rebirth). Puja therefore refers to the Sadhana done by a person to avoid rebirth or to attain mukti.

“O God! I do not seek rebirth. Please give me liberation” should be the only prayer of a puja. As per the correct procedure (niyama), the person should observe fasting on the day of a festival. After offering the food to God, a little of it should be taken as his Prasad. Little water also can be taken. That’s all. Regular food should be taken only on the next day.

- Bhaktimala 2001 & 2002
