Ego is a terrible disease
Ego is a terrible disease. It causes blindness in people who fail to recognize and acknowledge ‘God’.
Ego is a terrible disease. It causes blindness in people who fail to recognize and acknowledge ‘God’.
Those who seek luxuries cannot get spiritual knowledge. Spiritual path requires one to keep away from enjoyments.
Shankara Bhagavadpādāchārya in His composition ‘Guru Ashtakam’ has said, guroranghri padme manaschenna lagnam|
On any festival, it is mandatory to contemplate about that deity’s speciality.
It is very important to have virtuous and worthy friends. Good associations (sat sangatya) have the ability to wash away the bad traits or qualities and make way for good thoughts.
Freedom means right ways of discipline. Many misunderstand freedom to be personal liberty.
This ashram is a rose garden. I am the gardener. All of you are the rose plants.