SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Learn to share your wealth and knowledge with others

Shankara Bhagavadpādāchārya in His composition ‘Guru Ashtakam’ has said,

guroranghri padme manaschenna lagnam|
tatah kim tatah kim tatah kim tatah kim ||

Meaning: the person who has no focus on Sadguru’s feet leads a worthless life. No matter what he may possess- wealth, knowledge, strength, fame, lineage, and exceptional beauty, -if the mind is not fixed on Guru’s feet they are all of no use.

You must concentrate on your Sadguru’s feet with total faith and devotion. Otherwise this human birth is of no use. The goal of this birth is to acquire Spiritual Knowledge.

If you want to say that you have no faith in Guru or God, then remember that you are at loss. Others are not. God is everywhere. He has nothing missing. He doesn’t lose anything if you do not believe in Him.

Only if you share your funds and your knowledge with others, your life becomes fulfilled. It becomes meaningful. Give to others whatever knowledge you possess. Then it becomes more powerful. Your money you should share with the needy persons. Only then your money acquires value. You acquire merit. Otherwise your wealth and your expertise have no value.

If there is strength and good health in your body, volunteer and help others. Energy you expend to help others is real puja. Exchange your good things with needy persons. Good words and knowledge you must share with others. Give to the poor. The health and bliss you get by sharing with your knowledge and things with others, is indescribable.

Learn to share the work even in your house. Clean your house. Clean your mind. So many people say Swamiji used to appear in their dreams before, but not anymore. Why? Yes. Before, you were clean. Now your mind, intellect, and house are not clean. Something dirty is there always. I do not want to enter. I want to come but then I turn and go away because always your mind is unsteady. It is full of doubts, discontent, and dissatisfaction. It is fickle and wavering.

Some people are always crying. It is not good to be crying always. You will get a headache. It will spoil your health. Swamiji sees the contamination, the pollution in the form of greed, anger, upset feelings, calculations, upset about job, money, house, or relatives. He sees it is full of self-centredness. How can I enter? The mind should be like a flower. Buddhi/intellect should be like a fruit. The body is a leaf to offer to God or Guru. Tears of joy are the water to offer.

You must develop courage. Follow the master. Face the devil. Fight till the end. Finish the game. In this lifetime itself you must end this game.

Be satisfied. Take things easy. Do not make mountains out of molehills. Do not only dwell on your losses. Treat your losses as just bad dreams. Let them go. From now onwards decide on how to conduct yourself in your life, in thinking and in behavior. Is there any profit in indulging in depression and anxiety? No benefit at all. You lose your health.

Do not excessively worry about your children. Up to a certain level you should take care of them. After that, they must have their own experiences. Life is meant to be like that. I agree that your affection is good. But, when they grow up, give them a chance to lead their own lives.

Guru is a witness to your karma. In happiness, learn to worship Guru more. Think of sharing your happiness with your Guru. When in sorrow ask Guru only for strength to bear the burden.

Sri Guru Datta

- Guru Purnima, Dallas 31/7/2015

(translated by Hira Duvvuri)
