SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04 Nov 2020
Greatness of Jatayu

Jatayu Kshetra

For ultimate selfless service (karma yoga), and for pure-mindedly abandoning selfishness, the visible example that exists is – Jatāyu! Among the devotees of Srirama, the one who had the fortune of obtaining the first embrace (ālingana) from the Lord is- Jatāyu!

While composing the great epic Ramayana, its author, Maharishi Valmiki had to quickly move ahead with the story keeping in mind its poetic beauty and, in the process, could only briefly cover the stories of many ardent, supreme devotees. Among those supreme devotees whose stories remain unknown, Jatāyu takes the first place!

During the period of Ramayana, Jatayu was the king for the bird species, which in every sense were at par with humans. In age, Jatāyu was equal to King Dasharatha. Furthermore, he was a very dear friend of Dasharatha and hence was aware of his personal and family matters as well.

The moment Jatāyu learnt that Srirama had been exiled, in great agitation he handed over the kingly administrative responsibilities to his sons and followed Rama into the deep forests. Wandering in close vicinity to the place where Rama, Lakshmana and Sita moved, and while perceiving Sita-Rama to be the Supreme Gods Lakshmi-Narayana themselves, like an unpaid bodyguard, he zealously guarded them night and day neglecting his own food and sleep.

For this reason, while speaking about Jatāyu, Srirama says-

‘Ayaṃ pitṛvayasyō mē gṛdhrarājō jarānvitaḥ’- (Ramayana, Aranya khanda, 67-28)

At another instance, Srirama says-

Anēka vārṣikō yastu cirakāla samutthitaḥ’- (Ramayanam, Aranya khanda, 68-21).

It means, ‘Jatāyu is my father’s friend, he is of my father’s age. He is very old and is the king for all the eagles. For the past many years, he has been living in close vicinity to me.’

Srirama was very well aware that the aged Jatāyu was wandering in close vicinity to his residence. But, during all these years, Jatāyu never begged anything for himself from Srirama and, during these years, Srirama never even greeted him. This is how 13 years went by!

Hanuman had initially approached Srirama with the selfish desire of protecting his king Sugriva. Only thereafter he became a devotee. But it was not so in Jatāyu’s case. His blind love for Srirama caused Jatāyu to leave his home and follow Srirama everywhere in the forests. He abandoned all his near and dear ones and blindly followed Srirama for no apparent reason. He did not even seek that Srirama should greet him or talk to him. Such was his blind love!

‘O, he is a small, tender boy who has been driven out of his kingdom. How will he live alone in the forests?’- with such feelings of deep, intense love, Jatāyu followed Srirama to the forest. Not for one or two days, but for 13 long years, he followed and guarded Srirama. Jatāyu was not in his youth; he was in his ripened old age.

Hanuman too had offered innumerable services to Srirama, but most of these were services offered at the Lord’s request. On the other hand Jatāyu, offered his life itself for Srirama, even without Rama’s asking.

Srirama was not in the vicinity. In front of Jatayu’s eyes, Sita, the daughter-in-law, was in deep trouble. She was being kidnapped by Ravana, the notorious and most fearsome demon. Jatayu was now very old and was nearing his end. His hands and legs no longer functioned effectively. Even in this situation, without a second thought, Jatāyu jumped in to rescue Sita. He destroyed the chariot of the most powerful demon Ravanasura. Even though his feathers were breaking, he stood guard and prevented Ravana from flying away.

Jatāyu was very well aware that the tender girl standing before him was not just his daughter-in-law Sita. He knew her to be Goddess Maha-Lakshmi. Likewise, Sita knew everything about Jatāyu- who he was and what he was doing.

Jaṭa+āyu= Jaṭāyu. It implies- he who has a very long lifespan (āyu). To pour life into the dying bird and to extend its lifespan was a very simple feat for Mother Sita. Yet, she did not choose to do so.

‘Dēvī mām prāha rājēndra yāvat sambhāṣaṇaṃ mama│

Bhavatastāvadāsan mē prāṇā ityāha jānakī ‖ (Skanda purana)

‘O Jatāyu! Until the time Srirama arrives here and speaks to you, may you remain alive!’- saying so, Mother Sita went away.

As a result of the boon showered by Mother Sita and as a result of the selfless deed of sacrificing his life for her protection, Srirama, did not stop with merely talking to Jatāyu.

‘Gṛdhrarājaṃ pariṣvajya parityajya mahāddhanuḥ’- (Ramayanam, Aranya khanda, 67-23)

Throwing away the bow held in His hands, Srirama quickly rushed to Jatāyu, stretched out his arms, lovingly embraced Jatāyu and blessed him with the rare fortune of breathing his last when he was being embraced by the Lord!

Not stopping with that, Srirama said-

Rājā daśarathaḥ śrīmān yathā mama mahāyaśāh’- (Ramayanam, aranya khanda, 68-26)

‘This Jatāyu is to me at par with my father. I consider Him to be equal to my father. The way I would perform the last rites for my father, I shall perform the same for him’. He personally cremated the body, offered water oblations (tarpana) and perfectly completed every single ritual associated with the death ceremony as one would do for his father. As Mother Sita had not extended his longevity previously, Jatāyu could now obtain the rare fortune of attaining absolute liberation!

Kerala is the special pure land wherein the entire incident of Jatāyu’s selfless sacrifice and of the Lord showering His blessings upon him has taken place. In fact, the origins of this land are very pure and sacred. This is the land which has freely and entirely received all the fruits of Parashurama’s Yagna.

Due to its purity and sacredness, due to the extensive feelings of tyaga (sacrifice) that exist here, due to the high levels of work skills (dakshata) that are seen here, when my mother and Guru Sri Jayalakshmi-mata instructed me to begin dharma pracara, I selected this land for making the auspicious beginning. It was around 1966. At that time I visited this land, this sacred kshetra, and in the sacred Venugopala swamy temple I started dharma pracara. That incident remains ever fresh in my mind and fills me with delight.

As the huge Hindu dharma-sabha is being grandly organized in this sacred land, with the sankalpa-bala of Jatāyu, Hanuman, Vibheeshana and other supreme ardent devotees and with the blessings of Lord Srirama, the Lord who established and stabilized dharma, may Hindu dharma obtain worldwide victory!

For this sacred mighty land of Kerala, Parashurama is the father (jatipita)! For Parashurama, Sadguru Lord Dattatreya, who is the epitome of equanimity towards all castes and religions, was the guiding lamp. Hence, it can be said that Lord Dattatreya’s grace naturally flows towards this land. With the grace of Lord Dattatreya, with the dedication that you have towards your work, may Hindu dharma spread through the world bringing about total world peace!

Jaya Guru Datta! Jai Shriram! Jai Hind!
