SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Eating habits

When you eat calmly and slowly the food digests properly. On the contrary if you gulp your food, it is unhealthy. It just fills the stomach but serves no other purpose. The body cannot draw nutrition from it.

Standing and eating is unhealthy. It is harmful for the body. You are consuming poison indirectly.

Eat slowly and calmly. You must experience the taste in the food you eat. Chew it slowly such that it mixes with the saliva. In fact, chewing the morsel for 32 times has been recommended for healthy digestion.

Swallowing without even chewing properly has a negative impact on the kidney. The kidney that was supposed to run for 100 years gets diseased after 30 years. Intestines are harmed. Sleeplessness results due to these. All in all, some mental dissatisfaction is experienced because of faulty food habits. Also it weakens concentration levels.

Do not hold mobiles/ phones in the hand even when eating, or drinking beverages. When eating food with right hand, the left hand should be totally free. This is a type of acupuncture therapy. If any object, especially a mobile, is held in the left hand when eating with the right hand, negative vibrations get emitted from left hand which counteract the positive vibrations emitted by the right hand. The positive and negative vibrations set off , converting the food within the stomach into poison.

What I am saying has its origins in Patanjali’s Yoga sutras. It is Yogic philosophy and not my sayings. Henceforth, always retain the left hand free when eating. Coffee and tea which are already poisons turn even more poisonous when mobile is held in the other hand while drinking these beverages.

More importantly, mind should be totally focussed on the food. Do not flip pages from a book, swipe I-pad or do any other work when eating/ drinking. Barring serving food, left hand should not be engaged in any other activity while eating.

Serving with the right hand, while also eating with right hand, is forbidden. Bad food habits lead to lead to cancer, TB, skin problems or tuberculosis in later decades. These rules are enforced due to some energy balancing that takes place within the body. Such energy cannot be seen. Our eyes that see, ears that hear, nose that breathes are all acupuncture therapies going on naturally in our body. Without our knowledge, they are balancing in right proportions.

The effect of these poisons will be known decades later. As we slip from our habits, we get diseased. We should therefore correct them where necessary.

(Source: Dallas 2017)
