SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Develop a healthy lifestyle

Negative qualities which exist in us are visible to us as a reflection in the behaviour of others. Hence, seeing the negative traits in others we get agitated and our troubled. Such persons appear like our enemies. This is because feelings of enmity rule us. If at all feelings of friendship ruled us, the whole world will appear to be friendly to us.

Jealousy, discontent and greed are the causes for our unhappiness. If these traits are discarded, Paramatma will himself come walking to your house. He will listen to your commands. Remember this eternally.

Hence, soon upon waking up in the morning, first offer this prayer- ‘may jealousy be driven away from me. May I learn to be content with what I have’.

Secondly, wake up joyfully and contentedly. Then your whole day will be happy and peaceful. If you wake up unhappily or grumpily, the whole day will be spent unhappily.

If you lament that you have to get up from bed, or if you still desire to lie down or stretch yourself for longer, then its unhealthy sign. Reclining in the sofa is also unhealthy. Due to this, the tummy bulges, while the backbone sinks.

Another bad habit is to sit with one leg placed on another or shaking the legs when sitting. It is as if you are begging for Parkinson’s to attack you. Your nerves are healthy and strong, but yet you position your body and shake your limbs as if they are diseased.

Another unhealthy habit is to scratch the head when bored. Lastly, idle people keep snacking during all their waking hours.

All these habits should be corrected.

Daridra (poverty, mental weakness) attacks the person who does not wash his dinner plate immediately upon completion of dinner/food. You should not expect anyone, including your wife, to wash your plate. Learn to do your own work. Lethargy should be discarded.

(Source: Kurukshetra, Oct 2016)
