SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Puja: a necessary ritual

As we are all karma yogis, we necessarily have to worship God every day. Skipping puja and directly jumping to meditation implies you are not a karma yogi. Along with karma (prescribed actions), you can engage in meditation too. However, giving up actions and sitting in meditation is a sign of escapism. Without completing your karma if you directly jump to levels of meditation, it will have harmful effects on your health. Hence it is not advised.

God has given this body and senses (indriyas). Using them we have to physically worship the Lord. We have to prostrate before Him, show Him the lamp, offer incense sticks and complete other Puja rituals.

Believe that God is your family member. Love Him just as you love your family members. Have the firm belief that worship to Him is actually a service offered to your elderly family member. Just as you respect elders at home and lovingly serve them, offer services to God. With the firm faith that He is your family member, regularly talk to Him who resides within your heart.

Only when worship is offered with overflowing love, devotion (bhakti) enters into it. Else Puja becomes a mechanical activity with the mind wandering elsewhere while the offerings are made to the Lord. Puja without involvement of the mind and intellect is only a physical exercise and is a waste of time and energy.

The primary goal of Puja is to fix the mind upon the Lord. It is to develop single focussed concentration upon Him. Where the person worships for 30 mins to an hour, at some point, for a maximum 3 to 5 minutes he will be able to attain that level of concentration due to which the mind becomes silent. During these few seconds, he connects with the Lord within. Now, if the entire Puja process is itself 3 minutes, where is the scope for this concentration? Such Puja is only time pass.

Just as your relish all the food preparations and eat leisurely for 15 to 30 minutes, enjoy your Puja and spend adequate time there. Only then you can connect with God, which is the purpose of the worship.

(Source: Dallas 17 Dec 2017)
