SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
It is important to develop selfless devotion

Bhakti is extremely crucial for focussing the mind upon the Lord. Base desires have their origin in the mind. Devotion can bring a fickle, wandering mind under control. Unless this is done, desires tend to flare up.

One must practice selfless devotion (nissvartha bhakti) towards God or Guru surrendering body, mind and soul. Ego is the root for all ignorance. When ‘I-ness’ disappears, ignorance disappears. Such ‘I-ness’ comes in the way of selfless bhakti. Deluded due to ignorance man is totally caught up in these worldly bondages. He is unable to comprehend things correctly.

Ardent devotion towards God brings peace and happiness to the mind.

(Bhaktimala Jan 1977)
