SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
Narasimha pancaratna meaning

In His composition Narasimha Pancharatna, Swami Shankara bhagavadpādācharya has compared our mind to a bee. He says,

“O bee! Why don’t you realize that this worldly life lacks lustre? It is devoid of any taste (rasa). Not realizing this, you are wandering aimlessly in the lacklustre earth, wasting your time”.

‘Rasa’ in the normal usage refers to enjoyment or happiness. But here the great saint uses the word to denote the ultimate bliss or liberation. Attachments and happiness shared with friends and relations is nothing more than a bondage. It does not bestow true happiness; in fact it is a poison.

In desert, water is not seen, only mirages are found. Mistaking the mirage for water, people chase it. Likewise, our worldly life is also a desert. We are always chasing enjoyments and happiness, but all we really find are sorrows and poisons.

Therefore, O bee! If you really seek the real happiness, the ultimate bliss, then drink the nectar called compassion from the lotus feet of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. Make attempts to see you true Self- your own reflection. Search for the God within you. The mind is full of waste and dried flowers. This nectar is poisonous. Instead if you take shelter in the Lord’s feet, the nectar of compassion that you will drink there, can give you everlasting peace.

A pearl bowl looks and shines like a silver bowl such that, at times, it is hard to tell them apart. But tell me O bee! Can you make various ornaments out of a pearl bowl? Could it be melted to make jewels? No. It is merely an illusion. Just like the pearl bowl, this sorrowful samsara (endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth) glitters attractively like silver. Tell me, O bee, how can it give you happiness? O mind! O bee! Why are you wandering in this lacklustre desert? Surrender to the feet of Lord Narasimha. Drink the nectar there. Think of His feet at all times.

A cotton flower can easily be mistaken for a lotus flower. Although the external appearance is similar, it does not have the sweet scent nor the nectar of the lotus. Such an unworthy flower is unfit for offering to God.

We should be constantly worship the Lord with the 8 flowers that exist within us i.e. our body parts. At every opportunity we should offer them to the Lord i.e. we should bow to Him. Unless this is done, we cannot get liberation. O bee! You have mistaken the cotton flower to be a lotus and have settled down there. That cotton flower does not contain what you need. It is devoid of fragrance, nectar or taste.

This lacklustre world has in it plenty of slime, grease and evil propensities. Hence it is advisable to surrender at the feet of Lord Narasimha which are nothing but pure lotuses glowing with suvasana (good tendencies) and bliss.

O bee like mind! Disassociate with that cotton flower. Do not vacillate. You will not get the nectar or the stability that you are seeking in it. Due to your instability, you are jumping from one flower to another and are only wasting your time. Aspire for the divine nectar that is available at the Lord’s feet.

Presently you are deceived by these flower garlands, sweet scents , sandal paste and other sweet smelling decorative items (worldly pleasures). Hoping to find the happiness in there, you are chasing and desiring them. Whatever you desiring is in fact a sheer waste. Instead, desire for the knowledge about the Supreme. Crave for learning the Supreme Essence. Give up all these wasteful desires. Learn to surrender at the Lord’s feet.

Do you know O bee! Sampige flower can make you run away from the place due to its smell.

(Sampige is a a type of sweet but very strong smelling jasmine flower commonly found in India. If you try to scatter many jasmine flowers in a room and try to sleep, will it be possible?)

Unable to bear the smell, you will run away. Similar to this, too much happiness in life also leads you to sorrows.

O bee like mind! Since you are seeking true bliss, listen. Just as you understand that what you see in your dream is unreal, try to understand that what you see in the wakeful state is also unreal. This is also like a dream. Remember this and surrender to Lord Lakshmi Narasimha.

This is the essence of the Pancharatna.

It is up to the person to make attempts to raise himself. He should aspire to become students capable of grasping and learning with just the slightest hints. It is also imperative to try to apply whatever we learn into our daily lives. We should reach the stage wherein we do not need repetition of any lesson. Jaya Guru Datta.

- Bhaktimala Nov 98
