SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 30 Jun 2019
By stealing butter, Krishna stole sins

Buttermilk, the liquid that remains after butter is churned from it- showers good health. On the contrary, curd (yoghurt) spoils health. Sensible persons drink only plain buttermilk without butter. Crazy people seek curd.

All jnana was hidden in these statements of mine. Butter is nothing but sin. The buttermilk that remain after removing butter is nectar. That is why in our tradition, we would always ask, ‘please give butttermilk’. No one would ask for curd. Asking curd means asking the person to give his/her sin; it implies asking for spiritual ignorance. Seeking buttermilk implies seeking Supreme Knowledge.

Bhagavad Gita taught by the Lord is nectar.

When it is said that Krishna would only steal butte, it implied He stole the sins of the people. Without troubling us He takes away our sins. He would never share butter with his friends, because they were sins of devotees. He did not want to distribute sins to others. For this reason, stealing butter is sinful. It implies snatching away the other person’s sins.

Janmastami is the auspicious day when we distance from our sins and from our ignorance. It is the day He grants jnana.

Janmashtami 25.8.2016 Mysore
