SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
Right approach when performing charitable deeds

Once an offering is made to the Guru or God, one must not think of it from the next moment. It is sinful to do so. So also, one must not publicise his/her donations or services.

Once a charity or donation (or good deed) is done, the devotee must focus on the next service he could do. More importantly, when a person in financially incapable of completing a donation, he must also not blame God for his lack of finances. Instead one must pray to God to give him the eligibility to make donations.

When you are making an offering to Guru or God, along with the money, you are offering your sins, confusions and problems. Remember this eternally! It is wise to take back the dirt thrown out? Similarly, one must not wish to take credit for the donations made.

Where the person lacks the ability to donate for a noble cause, do not be disheartened. If one prostrates with devotion, it is enough in such cases.

A thorn can be removed only with another thorn. Only a diamond cuts another diamond. Likewise, a man accumulates various sins in life. To remove the sins, different methods like puja, homa, abhisheka, recitation of hymns, study of sacred books and bhajans are adopted. Only these pious actions can remove the effect of one’s evil actions. In other words, pious action only can wipe out the sins of bad deeds i.e. only Karma can destroy Karma. Hence the devotees must perform the various rituals to get rid of their past Karma paving the way to salvation.

-Datta Jayanti 1998
