SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
General rules for celebrating festivals

A festival is the time when all the family or extended family members assemble together and setting aside all differences, have a family union. The day is spent in great happiness and excitement. The house is cleaned and decorated. Whether we believe in God or not, worship is offered. However, wouldn’t it be wonderful if worship is offered with faith?

On every festival, read at least a couple of verses of Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana or any other scripture before beginning your Puja.

Revere the elders, teachers, spiritual Gurus and seek their blessings. When you seek blessings, even the person who hates you the most, utters good/ auspicious words.

Increase devotion towards your parents, spiritual Gurus, your subject and your country.

Sit on the floor and eat together as a family. Eat on plantain leaves. Food digests better when we sit on the floor and eat. Eat with the hand and not with a spoon. Mix food thoroughly with the hand.

The palm of the hand must be used to mash the food. By this, the subtle nerve endings (nadis) corresponding to the kidneys and digestive organs are activated due to activation, more digestive juices are produced leading to better digestion. Licking fingers after enjoying the morsel is also healthy.

There is a great science behind preparing 5 to 7 items of such days. The different combinations of food are meant to activate and energize the different nerves in the body and supply all forms of nutrition.

Wait till all the items are served before beginning to eat. It is incorrect to finish off each item as soon as it is served. Observe all the items and then relish each and every morsel as you eat. All these practices were aimed at restoring our good health.

Independence Day and Republic day are the two festivals we celebrate for our country. Learn to sing the National anthem. Develop love towards your motherland.

On every festival, think of the defense personnel who even on these days guard the country instead of seeking to be with their families. They are protecting us. It is due to them that we are able to spend our days peacefully. On the other hand we are fighting, cheating, blaming and thus sinning against our country and our family. We are leading hopeless lives. Nevertheless, they are guarding our lives without complaining. Pray for their welfare.

(Source: Diwali 2017, Mysore)
