SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
Different forms of Ganapati

Ganapathy is present in all the 4 yugas (eons). In each yuga, different aspects of His energy manifest. In one yuga He had only two hands. In another yuga, he was a beautiful child. In other yuga He takes on four hands. In another eon he had elephant head and four hands. The name of Ganapathy appears in Lalitha Sahasranama too. Mother Goddess is addressed as “Lambodari” - it denotes that Ganapathy is in the form of a female deity too. He is worshipped as goddess. Mother goddess Parvati created Ganapathy and transferred her energy into to her creation.

Even Buddhists believe Ganapathy. One Chinese God resembles Ganapathy. Tibetans too have a Ganapathy-like deity. Ganapathy is popular and worshipped all over the worlds in places like Java, Sumatra, Thailand, Singapore, Nigeria etc., In Thailand we can see Ganapathy in Buddhist temples.

Ganapathy is not a religious symbol. It is the symbol of power, sound, love and compassion. He is the symbol of naada (primordial sound). He is a saviour. Ganapathy played a very important role in many of Vishnu’s incarnations. In Shiva Purana it is mentioned that Ganapathy took an important role in Shiva incarnations. Mudgala Purana and Ganesha Purana contain important stories on Ganapathy.

Ganapathy has the three beejaksharas (seed-syllable) A, U & M in him and has blessed us with them. These three letters, also known as Omkara, denote the three levels of frequency. In the nose He controls the three nādis (subtle energy channels)- Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. In order to sit in Padmasana (lotus pose), the fifth and sixth rings on the back bones are important. If you misuse the body, the rings get broken and causes great pains. Limitless desires, excessive eating, too much sex, too much greed, anger, disappointment are examples of misusing of body.

Since Ganapathy is the deity of our back bone, if you have back ache, you should chant “Gam Ganapataye Nama”. You can check the results through any scientific means. Your back will improve.

- September 5, 1997 – London
