SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Everyone is equal in the eyes of Lord Datta

Lord Datta is a Yogi and an Avadhoota all rolled into one. He has been guiding and guarding His disciples through His various manifestations. In Kali-yuga He is kshipra-prasadi (one who grants wishes immediately).

Whether the man is truthful or a liar; literate or illiterate; poor or rich; theist or atheist; householder or recluse; - it makes absolutely no difference to Lord Datta. What really matters is the way and the manner and the feeling with which the person approaches Him. If the person approaches the Lord with the right attitude, and in a proper manner, it takes no time for the devotee to receive His grace.

The devotee must adhere to non-violence (ahimsa- i.e. not injuring others through thought, word or deed), and at all times adhere to truth and justice. An honest and sincere effort on the path of the devotee to know and realize Him (Lord) is sure to invoke Lord Datta’s grace speedily. With this, all the desires of the devotee- both material and spiritual- get fulfilled at once. The story of King Kartaviryarjuna substantiates this.

By worshipping Lord Datta, real knowledge dawns upon the person. With this, he gets rid of his fears. He is released from the binding effects of all his past actions. He attains the state of bliss – from where the fear of slipping down is eliminated. Lord Datta is ever-ready to shower His grace. Therefore, ready yourself to recognize and receive it.

(speech given on 11-05-1980 taken from Bhaktimala June 1980)
