SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01 Jul 2019
Yoga- a Sadhana

Yoga is not merely doing exercises, but is a spiritual tool (sadhana). This sadhana can be perfected through dyaana yoga, following the means of Pranayama, nadi shuddhi and concentration. Using this tool called Sadhana, one can easily traverse through the six spiritual centres (shat chakras) and reach the pinnace i.e. the Sahasrara, to enjoy unending, inexplicable bliss.

Mother Goddess is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. She is the primordial energy. She is the unseen power or the Pure Consciousness that is latent in all beings- living and non living. She is addressed as-

Sumeru sringa madhyasthayai namah; Sriman nagara nāyikayai namah; Chintamani gruhastāyai namah; Panca Brahmāsana sthitayai namah; Maha padmātavi Madhya samsthitāyai namah.

The meaning and significance of these terms can be understood through undertaking incessant spiritual practice. Absolute single-focussed concentration can be attained only by the grace of a Sadguru. Perfect control over the senses is primary pre-requisite for the attainment of concentration.

(Bhaktimala Sep 1976)
