SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01 Jul 2019
Worldly knowledge Vs Spiritual knowledge

Knowledge is of two types- worldly and spiritual. Worldly knowledge helps the person in achieving material opulence and sense gratification. Modern science and technology have aided a lot in this field. With the phenomenal increase in the means to improve material opulence, an ominous spell is cast upon man. He is losing his sense of discrimination and therefore is unable to distinguish between what is temporary and what is permanent. He fails to perceive the defects in the pleasures enjoyed by the senses. The problems with these worldly pleasures is that they trap the living entity in the web called repeated births and deaths. The cycle of rebirths has no ending.

It is therefore imperative for the human being to perceive these defects in the worldly comforts and to awaken himself by snapping the binding attachment to sense-gratification. He should aim to obtain that joy with knows no beginning and end, which is inexhaustible and indestructible.

To seek and obtain that everlasting joy, the human being should approach a perfect master who has established in this tradition. In our tradition, we have many eminent masters who have guided the entities on this path to Absolute Truth. This Guru tradition was established by Maharishi Veda vyasa and hence this auspicious day Guru Purnima is also addressed as Vyasa Purnima. On this day we must pay homage to all our teachers and Spiritual Gurus.

(Guru Purnima 27/7/80- Bhaktimala Aug 1980)
