SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/16/2019
What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is journey towards one’s inner self. It takes the person to the state of pure realization. A pure realization wherein Gods, Goddess and idol worship do not exist. It is a state where there is no name, no form. He experiences the formless, absolute essence.

If so, why are we asked to do puja? Puja, reading holy books and other such activities are tools to purify our mind and body. This is first step. A pure mind is essential pre-requisite for this higher experience. The second step involves beseeching the Self-realized Spiritual Master (Sadguru) for the right knowledge about the Self.

Another doubt many harbour is about the many Gods found in Hinduism. The many Gods is a proof that a single eternal indestructible power can transform into so many and deal with different problems.

If you delve deeply into the secrets of Hinduism it gives you clear understanding and fills you with infinite bliss. Sadly, people criticize the religion going by the outer circumstances.

Hinduism has been in existence since eternity. There is no set date for the religion. The word Hindu came out from the word “Sindu” - a river in Indian subcontinent.

The great text Mahabharata covers a wide range of topics- politics, economics, administration, Yoga, renunciation, enjoyments, surrender, sacrificial nature, attachments, detachment and of merger into the Supreme. This knowledge embedded into the story of the cousins, Kauravas and Pandavas. It is advisable to read this text in Vedanta perspective. It contains immense valuable teachings applicable to people of all religions. Train your children to study such books.

Just as a doctor gives different medicines for different diseases, Swamiji has different activities that cater to the needs of the different devotees who come to Him for help. The feelings, vibrations, likes- dislikes and views are different for different people. Some come here to understand the pure essence of Vedanta knowledge, some want Yoga teachings. some want bhajans, others want puja, some want mantras and the like.

Hindus believe that the five elements of earth, water, sky, ether and fire are all manifestations of the Supreme Energy and hence they worship them all. Although there is one truth, one essence, it manifests as many.

By whose command is Sun providing the universe with illumination? By whose command does the fire burn? By whose command does the wind move? There is one unique force which controls these forces. We pray to that supreme force.

Water, vast sky, mother earth, air, we worship these energies. Shiva represents the fire element. Hanuman is the expanded version of wind energy. These energies are given forms so that our mind, which cannot focus on the inconceivable, has some form to focus upon.

We address that energy as Brahma for having created this universe and filled it with life. For undertaking the responsibility of sustaining the creation, the energy is addressed as Vishnu.

Is that energy who creates, sustains or dissolves the universe a male God or a female Goddess? I worship that force, the Supreme Energy, in myriad of forms called Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda, Muruga, Devi, Ganesha, Datta.

He is addressed as Allah in one religion, as Buddha in other. He is addresses as God in western regions of earth. Beyond these names, amidst the names and within the names He exists. I pray to that single force.

From that which is beyond name, form and attributes (nirguna) this vast universe comprised of form, name and attributes has arisen. Since we have taken on a form, we need a form to focus on. I pray that one force which is beyond all that is created.

We have many Gods because of our diverse tastes and requirements. There are many Gods to prove that the ultimate power can have many forms and yet be formless.

I am the final word – Says Bible. He exists in the Bible. He also exists in Koran. He also exists in the knowledge of Vedas and scriptures.

To suit the needs of the people with diverse tastes, He created a church, a mosque and a temple. Some call this prayer, some as service, some as Archana, some as Namaaz. Despite this diversity, there is only one God and one energy. To Him I surrender.

This universe which is filled with innumerable names, forms and varieties fills us with awe. He equally exists in all the created forms. He is omniscient and omnipotent. So, He is addressed as Sacchidananda.

Sat – Absolute Truth

Chit – Absolute existence

Ananda – Absolute Bliss

Who is Guru? Guru is the light that takes you towards liberation, which is the ultimate blissful state. The principle of Guru is full of selfless love. Such love only aims to take you to your original source, the final source Brahma. Such love gives you the understanding to the Vedanta proclamation – TAT TVAM ASI (You are that). If one understands this principle, all conflicts and confusions vanish.

Religion is only for mind cleansing. Be it puja, or a namaz, the purpose is to purify the mind. The final goal is beyond all these practices. Different religions are like different schools where you learn, learn and learn. You learn to control the feelings, sinful tendencies etc. and to get good knowledge. But the final goal is liberation.

The association with a Sadguru is final truth. Sadguru is the manifested form of the unmanifested Parabrahma. It is wrong to look at Him a human being. Using the knowledge imparted by Him, make a self-investigation and find out the truth. Make a journey in to his teachings.

Trinidad Ashrama – August 10, 2000