SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Those who criticize us are our friends

One should have ardent devotion and implicit faith in Sadguru. The disciple should have unperturbed and firm mind irrespective of whether Guru graces him with nectar or drops him into an ocean. Such disciple obtains Guru’s grace automatically.

Those who criticize us are our friends. We can realize our reality through criticism rather than through praises. The critic turns out to be a real devotee. We have to condemn those who contradict divine existence. In ashram, good companionship and ways of praising the Lord can be obtained.

Asham is not a pawn broker’s shop. It is an abode of Guru. All devotees are ornaments of the ashram. Swamiji is one among the devotees of God. He is only a leader of all the devotees. The responsibility of the leader is only to encourage the fellow devotees by instilling into them faith and courage. We obtain unlimited courage only when we understand the principles of creation caused by the will of the Almighty. We can attain perfection through reaching Ajna chakra when we conquer desire with the help of mastery over Lambika yoga.

If a person is careless and is slipping from Ajna chakra he will be devoured by the demon called desire. We have to accumulate vitality and concentrate the power in Ajna chakra. The mark worn of the forehead is to cover and protect the power concentrated in the Ajna chakra.

Ashram is a yogaland. One should try to transform those who come in the way of this yoga.

Music serves a great source of inspiration for attaining concentration and bliss. The worship of the 5 elements along with Rudra Upanishad, Purusha sukta, supplement this purpose. Worshipping Mother Goddess aids in developing concentration.

The divinity in us is realized only after attaining this absolute concentration. The lotus in the heart blossoms and the power of the soul residing in the heart can be realized. The principle of perfection can be understood through the principle of renunciation.

To attain perfection, it is essential to conquer desires. The real purpose of human birth is Self-realization or God-realization.

(Navaratri 1976; Bhaktimala Oct 1976)
