SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/14/2019
This body is a small planet

The ups and downs in Nature is the Lord’s way of restoring the balance in his creation. The word ‘Kaala Sarpa’ reminds us of Lord Shiva. He consumed the terrible Kaalasarpa poison that gushed out of the snake’s mouth when the ocean was being churned. This Lord retained the poison in his throat in order to save the world.

In the human body too, such poison exists both in the form of bodily diseases as well as in the form of traits like desires, anger, jealousy, ego etc. These qualities in the human are similar to that terrible, indigestible poison. The sense organs are primarily filled with this poison.

Our body is in itself a city or a world. In fact, it is a walking planet. The entire world exists in this body. Just as the many planets and stars have their own gravity and movement, in this body too a movement is caused due to the attraction and mixing of the atoms and blood cells. That is why this body has been compared to a walking planet.

Each individual planet has its own nature, climate and pattern of movement. Even that fluctuates rapidly. Rockets sent into space send photos and signals that help the scientists keep track of the nature and patterns of the planets.

The intellect (buddhi) in our mind can be compared to a scientist. The situation in the outside world can be seen and assessed. However the self who resides within our body cannot be seen. It does not have any colour, character or reactions. It is the same with Paramatma.

In the body, the Atma (soul) is a witness. It simply watches everything that happens. It doesn’t react. But when we see any happening in the outside world, we react. This is due to the existence of the attributes of goodness, passion and ignorance (sattva, rajas and tamas) within us. Sattva guna causes happiness while tamo guna causes diseases in the body. These gunas keep fluctuating. If we keenly observe, we will notice the many changes, obstructions, commotions, and reflections constantly taking place within the body. It is very similar to the many big fluctuations and changes that are taking place constantly in the outside world. Extreme heat, extreme cold, good times and bad times are a few examples of the changes that take place in the external world. We react to these fluctuations by being happy/sad, by saying it is too hot or too cold etc.

Desires, anger, jealousy, ego and such other traits take a toll on the mind. Even when you are sitting here in front of Swamiji, your mind is elsewhere. Unnecessary, excessive thinking not only is a waste of time and energy but it also spoils the mind. This is dangerous and it can lead to bigger problems.

Akin to the earthquakes we see in the external world, at times headaches erupt in our body. Due to excessive thinking not only will our body become diseased but also our nervous system will become weak and start deteriorating.

In the solar galaxy, the planets revolve around the Sun is located in the centre. Likewise, the intellect (buddhi) is an integral part of our mind and it causes our body to vibrate. We should learn to use this intellect to regulate our mind, control the sense organs and maintain good health.

To have a good memory power it is essential to have a healthy body. That is why it is important to take care of this small planet (body).

Chant Shiva mantra regularly. Shiva and Guru only can save us from all confusions. Shiva is Guru. Guru is Shiva. This planet known as the gross body does not belong to us. It is not permanent either. We have come here for 100 years or so. Some people are here for 95 years, some others for 85 years, 65 years, 30 years, 10 years etc. The body can run only as long as there is sufficient fuel.

A being’s journey is spread across many births. We do not know when this sinful mind will get Supreme knowledge or Self-knowledge. If this knowledge is received before death, then there can be no re-birth. Remember this.

It is wrong to always lead a life full of desires, expectations, greed, anger etc. as it takes us towards re-birth. Let us worship Shiva who protects this little planet. He frees us from these poisons. Jaya Guru Datta.

- Bhaktimala Mar 2006
