SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Spiritual Knowledge (Adhyatma vidya)

Adhyatma vidya has attainment of happiness as its main aim. Throughout his life, man searches for happiness and searches for it in whatever he can lay his hands upon. Yet, he remains disappointed- because happiness is not something that can be acquired from outside. Unless a man understands that the fountain of happiness resides within him, all his efforts to obtain it remain in vain.

Search for happiness requires finding answers to age-old questions such as- ‘who am I? What is the relationship between me and the world around me? Is there a superior power that regulates my relationship with the world? If so, what is the nature of this superior power? What benefit do I derive by solving these questions?’

Adhyatma vidya deals with these and other allied questions and gives it unique answers unequivocally.

Self-knowledge or Spiritual Knowledge in an inexhaustible treasure chest containing rare gems of mystical experiences gathered by great, noble souls. By drawing freely from this treasure, we can prepare ourselves for our journey on the path of happiness.

Different Spiritual Masters have left behind different paths through which they gained inexplicable happiness. Superficially, these paths seem confusing and opposed to one another. But, a discerning eye will surely find that the goal of all these paths is one.

All the great Spiritual Masters have with one voice declared that the first essential requisite for a seeker of happiness is to detach himself from these binding attachments to the body. Simultaneously he needs to cultivate the discriminatory understanding that, ‘I am not the body. I am the spirit that dwells within the body. This world with all its glittering objects catering to the senses and mind does not belong to me. I am the Pure Self’.

The essence of the teachings of all the Masters is to exercise control over the senses that pull us in different directions. Second is to divert all these faculties to the one Truth which is the substratum of everything and pervades everything.

(Bhaktimala March 1980)
