SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Satsang and Nama sankeertana can root out all evils from the mind

In this materialistic world, wealth has assumed highest importance. People go out of the way to amass wealth, little realizing that it could vanish one day. Just as easily as it appeared, it could disappear.

The other thing that occupies most attention is lust. People think that women and money are the end all of their life and hence their minds have become storehouse of all evils. This is the main trait of Kali-yuga, the age of ignorance and sin.

But how are we to escape from the evils of Kali? Satsang is the medicine. Satsang can root out all evil from one’s mind. Satsang means association with holy men, Mahatmas or Saints. Their sole mission in life is to forgive us for our foolish ways and to make us return to God. It is through them that the Divine Light filters down to the world of darkness.

The joy that comes from satsang is far greater than the joy that sensual pleasure can give. It is the joy of the soul. Along with satsang, namasankeertana is important. Namasankeertana washes away the impurities enveloping the mind such as lust, ego, anger and the like. Namasaneertana is the easiest way to train and discipline the fickle mind. It is the Kali-yuga dharma and the easiest means to reach Godhead as all cannot do tapas and austerities during Kali yuga.

(Speech given 21-9-1982; Bhaktimala October 1982)
