SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Real education is that which is useful both in this world and the next

Education is far more broader than mere school and university level studies. That which is useful for this life and for the life in the other world is real education!

Such education purifies life. It directs the person towards rightful concepts and proper abidance to the four goals of life i.e. dharma, artha, kama and moksha. It teaches the person how to survive. It helps him conquer worldly desires and teaches to him the Supreme Knowledge**_. In all, that knowledge which helps the living entity cut through the noose known as worldly bondages is the real knowledge!_**

(The four goals of life: adherence to one’s righteous duties (dharma), earning wealth (artha), fulfilling one’s desires (kama) and seeking liberation (moksha).

To obtain real knowledge, faith and surrender to a Spiritual Guru is must! What is devotion? It is nothing but extreme love. He who serves the Guru with extreme love reaps the fruits of his efforts both in this world and the next. The knowledge of dharma gets awakened in the person who offers Guru Seva.

Vidya dadati vinayam… means true education leads to the emerge of modesty in the person. Modesty makes the person worthy. Worthiness brings wealth. Wealth causes him to tilt towards righteous conduct (dharma) which in turn leads to happiness.

Such real knowledge is obtained through Guru seva. With the awakening of the real knowledge both visible and invisible are realized. From times immemorial, a Sadguru (Self-realized Spiritual Master) has always been held in high esteem. The mind and the body both get purified due to Guru’s grace. Those who are devoted to Guru find solutions easily for even the most complicated problems.

The in-depth spiritual essence is easily absorbed by them. Therefore, everyone who aspires to be freed from worldly bondages must worship Sadguru with absolute devotion, dedication, sacrificing the body, mind, speech, wealth.

One must serve Guru physically, worship Him and follow His advice. He must praise the Guru with the power of speech. He must always thank the Guru mentally. The person who truly seeks Supreme Knowledge must learn to see God in Guru. There is no sin greater than that wherein he considers a Spiritual Guru to be an ordinary human.

Shastras declare that one must see only divinity in a Guru and must not see him as human. One must have the belief that God himself as incarnated in human form for upliftment of the devotee.

When offering Guru seva, the devotee must be humble. He should seek answer to his doubts by putting forth his doubts before his Guru in a humble way. He should seek the Guru’s grace by obtaining initiation into mantra (mantra deeksha).

Self-knowledge cannot be acquired in totality unless one obtains the grace of a Spiritual Guru, for, such knowledge is totally under the control of the Guru.

There a many who question the need for a Spiritual Master, presuming that with their own self-efforts they can realize God or the Self within them. They feel that Guru seva is a waste of time. But remember that without the blessings of a Sadguru, real knowledge can never be ‘experienced’!

Knowledge gained without guidance of a Sadguru is like using medicine without consulting a doctor. Without the grace of a Self-realized Spiritual Guru, the person can never obtain liberation! Anyone who desires such happiness, who seeks to experience real mental peace, who truly wants to understand His inner Self, who wants to experience God must offer Guru seva. Such service should be continued lifelong.

Although Srirama and Srikrishna were divine incarnations they underwent tutelage under able Spiritual Masters. Guru runam i.e. debt to Guru can never be cleared. Guru does not expect any reward. One should serve Guru for one’s own sake. Guru has no desires because he is always content. He is always engrossed in meditating upon the Supreme Lord. Only the wise men realize the help they have actually received from such Sadguru. One who truly follows such Guru can obtained liberation!

Bhidyate hrdayas granthih … Only with the grace of such able Spiritual Guru, the knot in the heart is cut. All doubts are clarified. All past deeds are dissolved.

sadbhireva sahāsīta sadbhirkurvīta sa~ngamaṃ |

sadbhir-vivādaṃ maitrīṃ cha nāsadbhiḥ ki~nchidācharet |

Always associate only with noble people. Befriend them, or hold discussions only with them. Be in their company always. At the same time, keep totally away from the wicked.

(Bhaktimala Nov-Dec 1976)
