SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Knowledge of Pancheekarana gives freedom from bondages

Just as fire reduces the wood into ashes, the fire of knowledge (jnana agni) reduces to ashes the sins of the person. Freedom from worldly bondage is attained through understanding one’s own Self (Self-realization). Through the process of panceekarana, one attains Self-realization. It removes the wrong presumptions about the body and as a result we enjoy unending bliss.

What is panceekarana? It is the knowledge of the 5 elements as well as of the gross, subtle and causal bodies. This science includes the knowledge of the Self (atma) which is completely different from the physical principles; but at the same time has knowledge of them. The study of this panceekarana science gives freedom from worldly bondages.

Our body is made up of five elements. The solid portion is made up of earth, the liquid portion is made up of water element; the heat in it is the result of agni (fire) ore teja. Its movements depend on wind element. Its hollow portion is covered with ether (akasha).

Akasha has five principles- passion, anger, sorrow, attachment and fear.

Wind has five principles- movement, turning, advancing, expanding and contracting.

Fire has five principles- lightening, hunger, thirst, sleep and lustre.

Water has five principles- semen, virile, flesh, skin, nerve and hair.

AS the five principles of ākasha are born in the heart-space, they are known as principles of ether. Due to having knowledge of those principles, you become their Seer. Once you understand that they are the source of sorrow, you must keep away from them.

Similarly, ‘you’ are the not the principles of the remaining four elements- you are only their ‘Seer’ (drshta) or sakshi (witness).

The body is made up of the five elements. You are not even this body! You are the Self – the Sat,chit, ananda- pure, conscious, free and complete in all aspects. By experientially realizing this great truth you become free of this cycle of births and deaths. You forget all the wrong assumptions you had about this body.

(excerpts from Swamiji’s discourses- taken from Bhaktimala Jan 1977)
