SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 24 Jun 2019
How do temples shower us with positive energy?

Today, this hall has transformed into a Pushpaka-vimana. Although the hall is filled to its capacity, more and more people are entering. For every person who is entering, a little space is getting created. When Rama was leaving for Ayodhya, all the Vanaras were desirous of accompanying him and witnessing His coronation ceremony. Every time a Vanara stepped into the Pushpaka-vimana aircraft, it would expand to create place. In this way the entire army was accommodated.

Today is a very auspicious day which will go down in history. This city of Kurnool is fortunate. In this temple, along with Dattatreya, Sun-god, Datta, Hanuman, Shiva and Mother Goddess and Ganapati are being consecrated. Today, the 333 crore Devatas will come to witness this unique event. Witnessing a Kumbhabhishekam gives as much merit as performing 1000 Go-danams. We get the merit of bathing in the river during Kumbha-mela.

Humans are insignificant and infinitesimal in comparison to the Devatas. We compare ourselves to them, but can we ever match them? It is impossible. In order to reach the level of the Devatas, we need to perform many divine deeds. We need to retain our mental focus upon the Supreme and be eternally engaged in tasks that lead to betterment of others. Only then we can elevate ourselves. Even then we can at max reach the levels of other celestials such as Yaksha, Kinnara and Kimpurushas but can never reach the Devata level.

It is to engage in action that we take birth on earth. Performance of meritorious deeds coupled with a pure mind takes us to higher planes. Today’s activities here are aimed at helping us reach the higher planes, to absorb the Supreme Essence and to distance from fruitive activities. In the form of idols, Gods remain on earth to help the humans. They strive to take the humans to the higher planes. We should, on our part, co-operate by putting in the relevant efforts. We should aim to retain the Lord eternally in our focus, engage in deeds that benefit at least a few in the society, behave in a way that does not hurt the feelings of others. While ensuring that one’s own self is not hurt, we must also not hurt others.

Self-degradation is equivalent of suicide. For every small problem that crops us, people claim, ‘of what use is my living?’ In this way, at every moment and for every trivial reason, every human is committing suicide. Even such thought in the mind is equivalent of suicide. The person who is in pain and who seeks early death is also committing suicide. Suicide is one among the five terrible sins.

Instead of focussing on wasteful issues, mind should focus on relevant ones. Always desire to associate with noble persons who are totally established in the Self. Even to come across such persons is a rare fortune. 99.9% people are soaked in grief. Only .01% of people say ‘I am living purely due to His grace. He alone is my protector’.

Our entire day should be spent peacefully with thoughts about Him. Our sleep should be peaceful. The one who enjoys peaceful sleep enjoys long life. Remaining awake till midnight and then waking up late during the day is a sin. In reality, everyone must awaken before Sunrise. Every person who wakes up after 6.15 AM is a sinner who is treading the path to hell. Those who awaken between 4AM to 6AM lead peaceful lives. They are eternally truthful, healthy and their face has a rare glow. Merely by seeing them one can identify that they are habituated to rising early.

Those who do not follow established practices and cleanliness lack mental peace. They travel everywhere in search of peace when in reality it exists within them. They are unable to tap into the inner peace due to their inability to wake up early. Students who sleep by 10 PM and awaken by 4 AM are sure to bag a gold medal in their exams.

Those who read Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavatam, Ramayana are totally filled with awareness and consciousness. They glow divinely. There will be a beautiful grace in their walk and talk. Each word they utter will be like a pearl. They do not get unnecessary agitated when problems land on their head. They calmly think through the problem and solve them. They cannot be crushed by tensions. They sail through comfortably.

Our entire life is nothing but Mahabharata. The sacred epic contains all secrets of our life’s journey. Good devotees are busy in building temples at every nook and corner. It is laudable. In reality, every home should become a temple. We must cultivate the faith that the Lord is all-around us and that He is eternally protecting us.

We Hindus are sustaining on dharma, truthfulness and Vedas. Bhagavatam, Ramayana and such other texts are our teachers who direct our goals. Sadly, we are failing in teaching righteous conduct to our children. We are failing in instilling true courage in them. We are unable to control their addiction to movies as we ourselves are addicted to it. We are unable to prevent them from consuming junk food as we ourselves are craving for it. Children can be taught only through direct adherence to the disciplines by the elders at home. Where the parents refuse to bow before Guru and God, how can the children cultivate this habit?

In any temple, the flag-pole, the temple tower (Gopuram), the idol within the temple and the inner sanctum (antaralaya) all combine to create a Yantra (mystic symbol) which overflows with inestimable, tremendous energy. Spiritual science is an in-depth science. There are definite instructions regarding temple construction in our Shastras. Exact measurements are defined. There are exact proportions regarding the size of the idols, the inner sanctum etc.

When we stand before the main deity and pray, the vibration coming from us- let us say the bad energy- travels from us and reaches the idol. From the idol that energy instantly reflects upon the flag-pole. From the flag-pole it is transferred to the peak of the temple tower (kalasa atop the temple). From there it merges into space.

Simultaneously, good vibrations from space are drawn into the temple tower (kalasa). From there these positive vibrations travel to the flag-pole. From the flag-pole they reach the idol. From the idol, they enter into the devotee who is standing before the idol. This zig-zag method of energy travel takes place within the few seconds when you are standing before the idol.

For this reason, one should not engage in useless chatter when in a temple. Our evil thoughts may turn true.

Today, people use temples as a meeting place for useless chatter. Unknown to them, this is one of the causes for their increased troubles. While temple is a tool to dispel suffering, a wrong usage can increase suffering. When in a temple pray, ‘O Lord give me the ability to offer some service to you’. or ‘O Lord, please fill me with the broad mindedness that I can use my wealth for your service. Let me develop a charitable nature’.

It is incorrect to seek any reward or recognition for services offered to the Lord. Of course, there are a few who refuse to let their name be known for the service offered by them. Dharma remains on earth only due to the existence of such persons. Cultivate the habit of giving large-heartedly. Donate liberally with both hands. It is said that what the right hand gives in charity the left hand should not know. Such secrecy should be maintained.

(Kurnool, Sun-temple Kumbhabhishekam, Feb 2019)