SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Divine grace is essential to tread the path of spirituality

For a man who wants to tread the path of spirituality, divine grace is absolutely necessary. But divine grace does not come by itself. To obtain it, the person must strive and qualify himself!

To be born a human is a rare privilege. This human birth is the first among the three pre-requisites for the flow of divine grace. The other two pre-requisites are a) intense burning desire for liberation and b) the company of noble saints (satsang).

Having been born as a human, one must seriously ponder over the purpose of life. It is the capacity to think and reflect that makes human being superior to other forms of life. Fulfilling the hunger pangs, sleeping when tired, protecting the body from danger and reproduction are common to both animal and humans. If the person pursues these alone as the goal of life, then there is no difference between him and the animal. Pursuit of religion distinguishes man from animal. A man without religion is reduced to animal state. He is animal in human form- Dharmena heenah pashubhissamaanah.

Sanatana dharma points out the view of life and also the way of life. In order to understand and live the values of life as dictated by our Scriptures, it is absolutely necessary to follow a Self-realized Spiritual Master, who has imbibed these values and who is living them. Such a Master has the ability and capacity to guide the longing aspirant.

Thus, we understand that the combination of a) human birth (manushyatvam), b) intense desire for attaining liberation (mumukshutvam) and c) following a Self-realised Master (mahapurusha sangatya) help the person obtain Divine grace which is essential for his spiritual pursuits.

(Bhaktimala April 1980)
