SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 01 Jul 2019
Dexterity in action (Samatvam yoga uchyate)

In this world-drama, we should unfailingly complete the duties assigned to us, without worrying whether our role is great or not. Only then our action will be deemed to be rightful action and we will be good actors.

Whatever actions have been designated for us by our past tendencies (samskaaras) must be accepted without grumbling and must be discharged diligently. Grumbling is of no use. To perform such actions and yet to remain unaffected is a real skill. Such dexterity in action is called Yoga in our scriptures- samatvam yoga uchyate.

This yoga does not need any outside aids nor does it demand physical effort. All it requires is to change our outlook and attitude. This change requires us to give up feelings of ‘doership’ and ‘enjoyership’ and the resultant anxiety for and attachment to the results.

By performing actions with this changed outlook our minds will be freed from agitation and attain the restful state known as ‘equanimity’. How can we experience happiness when our minds are restless? The restful state of mind is the true prasad – it is the panacea for all the evils of worldly bondages experienced by us now.

(Bhaktimala Dec 1980)
