SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02 Jul 2019
Chit-shakti (the power of consciousness)

For obtaining Self-realization, it is extremely important to obtain control over the chit shakti (power of consciousness). This Consciousness is the subtlest of the subtle. There is no power equal or superior to it. Where does such energy reside? Who can obtain mastery over it and how? To these questions that arise in the mind the spiritual aspirant there are no readymade answers.

To understand the answers to these questions, one should follow the Mandukya Upanishad which says to follow a perfect Self-realized Master who has assimilated the Scriptures and is ever-established in absolute awareness.

Innumerable are the ways in which chit shakti manifests in the person. Like the imperceptible electricity, it cannot be seen with the gross eyes. The body, with the five organs of perception, the five organs of action, the mind and the intellect appear to be dynamic as all of them function with the immediate vicinity of chit shakti**_. Only a trained and disciplined mind which can turn towards its source attains oneness with it._**

To arouse this dormant chit shakti, divya nama sankeertana or chanting of divine names is a tested and unfailing method. Bhajan, if properly conducted, with single focussed concentration and devotion invigorates the entire system and causes the union of the individual with the Supreme, which is in reality, the sole goal of human existence.

(Bhaktimala Feb 1982)
