SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 23 Jun 2019
Association with the enlightened helps attain perfection

Hunger, thirst, sleep, anger and other passions are experienced by all humans albeit in different proportions. When these traits gain ascendency, the mind becomes agitated and the person loses equanimity. The net result is that he gets deluded and turns inactive.

Therefore, it is in his own interest to awaken from the slumber called spiritual ignorance (ajnana). Towards this, he must increase his focus upon God. As this practice intensifies, he begins to get a glimpse of the Divine Knowledge leading to increased mental peace and increased degree of contentment in life.

To perfect in this Divine Knowledge, it is imperative to approach an enlightened Master, because without a Guru’s grace no perfection can be achieved. He needs to carefully follow the instructions given by his Master and assimilate them.

Satsang and divya nama sankeertana (chanting divine names) are two dependable aids in spiritual path. They can, when used correctly, take the person towards liberation! Hasn’t Shankara Bhagavadpādacharya said,

Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatvē nirmohatvam

Nirmohatve niścalatattvam niścala tattve Jeevan muktih

(Bhaktimala May 1980)
