SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 29-08-2017

Shatashloki 29: Dasharatha decides to coronate Rama as the crown-prince

Jyeṣṭtaṃśreṣṭha-guṇairyuktaṃ priyaṃ daśarathassutam Prakŗtīnām hitairyuktaṃ prakŗti priyakāmyayāMeaning- With a view that all citizens of Ayodhya should benefit, King Dasharatha sought to appoint Rama, his eldest born, who was an embodiment of all virtues, who at all times sought the welfare of his citizens and who was very dear to him, as the crown-prince.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 29-08-2017

Shatashloki 30: Kaikeya seeks her two boons

Yourājyena saṃyoktuṃ aicchatprītyā mahīpatiḥTasyābhiṣeka-sambhārān dŗṣṭtvābhāryā tha Kaikekī.Poorvaṃ dattavarā devī vara mena mayācataVivāsanaṃ ca rāmasya bharatasyābhiṣecanaṃ.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 29-08-2017

Shatashloki 31: Dasharatha’s agony and Kaikeyi’s adamancy

Sa satya vachanāccaiva dharmapāśena saṃyataḥVivāsayāmāsa sutaṃ rāmam daśarathaḥ priyam.  Meaning- With the intent that truthfulness should rule, King Dasharatha was tied down by the noose called dharma (righteousness).

By Puttuadmin1/ on 29-08-2017

Shatashloki 32: Rama decides to leave immediately for the forests.

Sa jagāma vanaṃ vīraḥ pratijnā manupālayanPiturvacana nirdeśāt kaikeyyāḥ priyakāraṇāt.Meaning- To bring about happiness to his mother Kaikeyi, the valorous hero Rama, took up his father’s words as a command and in order to fulfill them, immediately left for the forest.