SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 13-06-2017

Datta maata 006: What is Self-realization?

Our mind itself is a mirror. Those who are in the spiritual path have the great yearning for realizing God in this birth itself at the earliest possible.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 31: The eight limbs of Yoga should be practiced daily (Verse 30)

Prāṇāyāmaṃ pratyāhāraṃ nityānitya viveka vicāram | Jāpyasameta samādhi vidhānaṃ kurva vadhānaṃ mahad-avadhānam || 30 ||Meaning - Pranayama, pratyāhara (sense-withdrawal), wisely segregating between permanent and impermanent objects in the creation, penance and absolute meditation are practices that should be mandatorily practiced daily.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 32: Serving Guru is the only method to exit samsara (Verse 31)

Guru caraṇāmbhuja nirbharabhaktaḥ saṃsārād-acirād-bhava muktaḥ |Sendriya mānasa niyamādevaṃ drakṣyasi nija hṛdayasthaṃ devam || 31 ||Meaning- If total devotion is developed towards the lotus feet of the spiritual Guru, then the person can easily attain freedom from the shackles called cycle of repeated re-births.