SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 25: Give up differences of every form (Verse 24)

Tvayi mayi sarvatraiko viṣṇuḥ vyarthaṃ kupyasi mayyasahiṣṇuḥ | Bhava samacittaḥ sarvatra tvaṃ vāñchasyacirād-yadi viṣṇutvam || 24 || Meaning -It is only Lord Vishnu who dwells within me, within you and within everything in this creation.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 28: The four easy paths for spiritual upliftment (Verse 27)

Geyaṃ gītā nāma sahasraṃ dhyeyaṃ śrīpati rūpam-ajasram | Neyaṃ sajjana saṅge cittaṃ deyaṃ dīnajanāya ca vittam || 27 || Meaning - Regularly chant the verses from Bhagavad Gita and the Sahasranama; at all times meditate upon the form of Lord Vishnu; let the mind always associate with holy saints; give away in charity to the poor and needy people.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 27-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 30: Wealth only brings sorrows; not joy (verse 29)

Arthamanarthaṃ bhāvaya nityaṃ nāsti tataḥ sukha leśaḥ satyam | Putrādapi dhanabhājāṃ bhītiḥ sarvatraiṣā vihitā rītiḥ || 29 || Meaning - Understand that troubles and difficulties arise from wealth itself.