SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0433: The duties of a Yati

Sankarshanāya namah Seventh Canto Chapter Thirteen In this chapter, the dharmic duties of a renunciate (sanyasi) and the dialogue between Prahlāda and Lord Dattātreya are covered.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0434: Prahlāda meets Lord Dattatreya

Adhokṣajāya namah Maharishi Nārada continued, “Dattātreya Maharishi was observing the austerity known as ‘ajagara vṛtti’ wherein akin to a python he would consume only that food which came to him on its own.