SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0350: Chitraketu laments the death of his son

Achutāya namah Just as a penniless person who is suddenly showered with money develops intense attachment towards it, the saintly king Chitraketu, who was blessed with a son after being childless for a very long period of time, developed extreme love towards his new born.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0353: The subtle body of the deceased prince addresses the audience

The subtle body of the prince continued to speak, “Just as precious gems and golden ornaments continuously move from one hand to another through activities of buying and selling, based on his past fruitive activities, the bonded soul travels from one womb to another acquiring newer set of parents each time”.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0356: Chitraketu gets cursed

The Supreme Lord continued, “Labdhveha mānuṣīṁ yoniṁ jñāna-vijñāna-sambhavām Ātmānaṁ yo na buddhyeta na kvacit kṣemam āpnuyāt