SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0281: Jadabharata preaches

Jadabharata continues, “The mind endlessly creates one thought after another. It creates unexplainable types of desires, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 02-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0285: Understanding the allegory

King Rahūgana continued, “Namo mahadbhyo ’stu namaḥ śiśubhyo namo yuvabhyo nama āvaṭubhyaḥ ye brāhmaṇā gām avadhūta-liṅgāś caranti tebhyaḥ śivam astu rājñām