SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 19-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0198: Maharishi Narada initiates Dhruva into the sacred mantra

Mādhavāya namah Maharishi Narada said to Dhurva, “Dharmārtha-kāma-mokṣākhyaṁya icchec chreya ātmanaḥEkaṁhy eva hares tatra kāraṇaṁpāda-sevanamThe person who seeks that auspiciousness, which exists in the form of the four-fold principles of life (puruśārthās), should be obtained by him should necessarily worship the lotus feet of Lord Srihari.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 19-08-2017

Bhagavatam 0202: The Supreme Lord blesses Dhruva.

Vāmanāya namah Dhruva continued, “Knowledge and ignorance, creation and dissolution,- such mutually contradictory energies keep manifesting suddenly one after another within the non-dual Parabrahma.